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Welcome to the Mahserjian-Smith home!
We are so glad you stopped by to visit!

We'd love to show you around and let you get to know us!

We have 7 children - 2 "homegrown" and 5 "storebought!"
We used to do foster care and we would refer to our foster child as having one on "consignment."

My name is Susan and my husband's name is Mark.
Our children are Jay, Kerri, Jessica, Amanda, Zachary, Luke and Mariah.

We are a multi-racial, multi-cultural special needs family.
Which I must admit really livens up mealtimes and those family pictures!
We are working on personal pages with pictures. Some of them are already done so be sure to check.

Our faith in Jesus Christ has brought us through
infertility, miscarriages, the adoption of our children,
and the tragic and unexpected death of our oldest child.
It is our prayer that our story of His unconditional love for us
will convey to you the depth of His love for you.

Our Adoption Story

Please visit our page of links to mostly Christian sites
dealing with Adoption, Infertility, Foster Care,
Special Needs Children, Addiction Issues,
Marriage and Parenting resources,
our Church and anything else that strikes our fancy!

We're real glad you came and remember "God loves you and so do we!
"Y'all come back now! Hear? "

Our webpage has been awarded the Heartland Partners In Prayer Site of the Month Award for December 2000!
I can think of no greater recognition than receiving an award for honoring Jesus!
Thank you so much Heartland Prayer Partners!

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Mark & Susan Mahserjian-Smith

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