Index to Griffith's Valuation of
Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland

This page contains a full name index to the lessors listed in the 1861 Griffith's Valuation of Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland.

Acheson - Bonar
Borland - Canning
Carleton - Curry
Dalzell - Fynes
Gage - Guthrie
Hackett - Hyndman
Irwin - Laird
Lammon - Lyons
M'Afee - M'Cluskie
M'Colgon - M'Farlane
M'Garry - M'Wilkin
Macarta - Nocker
O'Brien - Purcell
Querns - Rowan
Savage - Thomson
Tolan - Young

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