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Here's Chuck's mother Bobbie- the "World Traveler"

Bobbie gets to travel EVERYWHERE. Here she is on an Alaska train ride and visiting Santa.

Here's all of the family vising Bobbie's new house at Christmas 1998. We all got together for the first time in over 16 years! And, it was the last time that all of us were to be together again.

Here's Bobbie and her kids- all grown up...

Here's Robbie, Terry, Mike, Chuck and Vicki- all near (UGH!)40 or over...

Mike passed away in April 1999. He is finally free of the demon that possessed him all these years. May he rest in peace.

Links to things in Arizona:
Arizona Republic- Phoenix's Newspaper
Ghost towns
Ghost towns II
Arizona Highways Magazine
Grand Canyon
More of the Grand Canyon (CoC sight)
State Parks (National sight)
State Parks II
return to: whence you came.