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This Page was first set up on July 24, 1997
There has been .lost souls to this site
This page last updated on October 5, 1997.
A Short Note From Sleepwalker
A little Information on Yarmouth,NS
Yarmouth High 
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Let me know if you have any ideas that might help this site,  also if you have any good links that I may have missed drop  me a line 
Tom AKA Sleepwalker
Days Gone By.
With all the time ahead of us,
little did we know then,
that as time passed us by,
we would lose touch with our high school friends.
But now we are  in touch again,
and it's great to see
how each of our families have come to be.
We have all had great joys and sorrows,
as the years pass us by.
We remember those of us that have died, 
and we feel the loss inside.
But now we are  in touch again,
and it's great to see.
Because Yarmouth High has always had
a special meaning to me.

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