Heartland Select Webring



To All My Relations

To our Elders who teach us of our creation and our past,
So we may preserve Mother Earth for ancestors yet to come:
We are the Land.
This is dedicated to our relatives before us thousands of years ago
And the one hundred and fifty million who were exterminated across the western hemisphere
In the first four hundred years time starting in 1492.
To those who have kept their homeland,
And the nations extinct due to mass slaughter, slavery, deportation and disease unknown to them,
And to the ones who are subjected to the same treatment today.
To the ones who have survived the relocation,
And the ones who died along the way.
To those who carried on traditions,
And live strong among their people.
To those who left their communities, by force or by choice,
And for generations who no longer know who they are.
To those who search and never find.
To those that turn away from the so called non accepted.
To those that bring us together,
And to those living outside, keeping touch, the voice for many.
To those who make it back,
To live and fight, the struggle of their people.
To those who give up,
And those who do not care.
To those who abused themselves and others,
And those who revive again.
To those who are physically, mental or spiritually incapable,
By accident or birth.
To those who seek strength in our spirituality,
In way of one and those who exploit it, even our own.
To those who fall for the lies,
And join the dividing line that keep us fighting amongst each other.
And to those of us who don't know better.
To the leaders and prisoners of war,
Politics, crime, race, and religion, innocent or guilty.
To the young, the old, the living, and the dead,
To our brothers and sisters.
And all living things across Mother Earth,
And her beauty we have displayed.
And denied the honor that the Creator has given each individual,
The truth that lies in our hearts,
All My Relations.

The above was taken from the music of Ulali, mahk Jch, three native women from North Carolina. Any wishing to find more native music may find it at:
Rainbow Walker Music Production

You may also preview Ulali's music and read more about these great gals.
Cherokee Morning Song
Sung by Ulali


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Updated December 26, 1998

Thanks to Bareback for all my Graphics (Bareback has since disappeared from the net but wanted to leave a big thank-you anyway!)

© 1997 dbrandt@oregontrail.net

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