
JULY 1-3 1863

Howdy, friends! This page is dedicated to the 24th Virginia Infantry Regiment. Their action at Gettysburg in July 1863 and their command structure for that time period are the contents of the page at this time. My step-grandfather, Thomas Ratcliff {Ratliff}, served in the 24th until November of 1862 as a private. He signed up in March of 1862 in Co. K., commanded by Capt. John Henry LeTeller and Capt. John T. Radford.
Thomas was wounded and possibly captured and exchanged. He served the rest of his service in the 54th. Virginia Infantry.

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The 24th consist of 10 Companys

Company A-Floyd County - "Floyd Rifleman" -Capt. Calohill M.Stiglemen
Company B-Franklin County- "Franklin Rifles" Capt. Joseph Adam Hambrick
Company C- Caroll County- "Carroll Boys"- Capt. William R. Jennings
Company D-Franklin County-."Early Guards"- Capt. Thomas S. Taylor
Company E- Pulaski County- "Pulaski Boys" - Capt.William W. Bently
Company F- Giles County- "New River Rifles" - Capt. William Eggleston
Company G- Mercer County (W.Va.)- Capt. Robert A.- Richardson
Company H-Henry County- "Henry Guards" - Capt. Peter R. Reamy
Company I-Patrick County - Capt. Andrew Murry- Lybrook
Company K- Montgomery County- "The New River Grays" - Capt. James Preston Hammet 

Map of recruitment Area!


Battles in which the 24th Virginia Infantry took part included First Manassas, Williamsburg, Seven Pines, the Seven Days battles, Second Manassas, Antietam, and Fredericksburg by the end of 1862. In early 1863, they were detached from the Army of Northern Virginia, and sent to the southeastern corner of the Commonwealth, where Yankee troops occupied Norfolk, Hampton, and various smaller towns. Trying unsuccessfully to recapture Suffolk, the 24th missed the battle of Chancellorsville (the absence of Longstreet with two divisions was the reason Lee was outnumbered even more than usual). However, they returned in time to participate in Gettysburg. Belonging to the last division to arrive on the field, they took part in the charge led by their division commander, George Pickett, on July 3. The losses were so severe that the division was again detached and sent to serve as part of the garrison for Richmond.

"24th's Action At Gettysburg."
STATE PLACK This is the area Longstreet's Corps and A.P. Hill's Corps passed.The famous Cashtown Inn.CASHTOWN INN

The Command structure of the 24th. at Gettysburg was as follows:
Brigade Commander-Name KEMPER,James Lawson
BornJune 11 1823, Madison Cty VA Died April 7 1895, Orange Cty VA Pre-War Profession Mexican War, lawyer, politician. War Service 1861 Col. of 7th Virginia, First Manassas, June 1862 Brig. Gen. (in Longstreet's division), Seven Pines, Seven Days, Second Manassas, South Mountain, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg (w,c), exchanged in 1864, staff duty in Richmond, September 1864 Maj. Gen., defence of Richmond. Post War Career Lawyer, politician, governor. Notes As a result of his pre-war efforts, Virginia was well prepared militarily.

Division Commander
Born January 28 1825, Richmond VA Died July 30 1875, Norfolk VA Pre-War Profession West Point 1846, Mexican War, frontier duty, defied the British at San Juan Is. WA, resigned 1861. War Service 1861 Col., January 1862 Brig. Gen., commanded 3rd Bde/Longstreet’s Divn in the Seven Days, Gaines' Mill (w), October 1862 Maj. Gen., commanded Pickett’s Divn/Longstreet’s Corps at Fredericksburg, Suffolk, Gettysburg, commanded Dept of Virginia and North Carolina, New Berne, Petersburg, Five Forks, Sayler's Creek, relieved of command, Appomattox. Post War Career Insurance agent.

Corps Commander
Born January 8 1821, Edgefield Dist. SC Died January 2 1904, Gainesville GA Pre-War Profession Graduated West Point 1842, Indian campaigns, Mexican War, resigned June 1861 War Service June 1861 Brig. Gen., First Manassas, October 1861 Maj. Gen. in command of a division, Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Seven Days, Second Manassas campaign, Corps command at Sharpsburg, October 1862 Lt. Gen. in command of I Corps of ANV, Fredericksburg, Suffolk campaign, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Knoxville, Wilderness (w), defence of Richmond, Appomattox. Post War Career Insurance agent, lottery supervisor, US minister to Turkey, wrote memoirs. Notes One of the best fighters, but over-deliberate in the opinion of many (especially adherents to the “Lost Cause”).

The supreme commander of the Army of Northern Virginia:,
LEE LEE, Robert Edward
Born January 19 1807, Westmoreland Cty VA Died October 12 1870, Lexington VA Pre-War Profession Graduated West Point 1829, engineering duty, Mexican War, superintendent of West Point, 2nd Cavalry, commanded the forces that captured John Brown's body of men at Harper's Ferry, refused the offer of command of US forces at the outbreak of the War, resigned April 1861. War Service 1861 commander in chief of forces of Virginia, May 1861 Brig. Gen. in Confederate army, commanded forces in West Virginia, examined coastal defences, August 1861 full General, military adviser to President Davis, took over command of ANV after J E Johnston was wounded, commanded ANV until the surrender at Appomattox, in 1865 he was made General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States. Post War Career President of Washington (later Washington and Lee) College.

Confederate Order of Battle July,1863

[Pickett,Pettigrew,Trimble's Charge]
Or if you Prefer
[Pickett's Charge]

Page 1

If you would like to read a hand written letter from General Lee to President Jefferson Davis, just 5 days after the battle of Gettysburg,near Hagerstown MD.July 8,1863. Just click on the thumbnail image.

After viewing just hit the back button on your browser.This is a large image,205K.

Gallery of honor:

These links are short Biographies
of the brave men from
the 24th. Virginia Infantry.

William R. Terry: Bio

James Raymond Hudson: Bio

1st. Lt. Joseph B. Whitt: Bio

Thomas Ratcliff: Bio

James McHone-(Mahone): Bio

The Internet Connection
Hall Of Honor:

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Some of the information on the 24th was taken from the Regimental Series-Pub. H.E. Howard-Arthor Ralph White Gunn. 2nd Edition.Permission Granted from H.E.Howard Inc.

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Thats an order!

"Many ah good young men lost there lives"

It's Heritage Not Hatred!!!

(This page created and maintained by James Stump)

(Thanks to: General Officers of the Civil War-A Gallery of Pictures. Some of the Pictures you see here are from their page.It's a Fantastic Site!Check them out.)

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For a vast collection of informtaion and links about
Southern Heritage check out the site titled:
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