"In The Garden" 

About Myself

It's 1 am, April Fool's Day (Take a Guess!) 1998, and I am trying to let my pen express who I am.

My name is Dreama Lavina Whatley Hildebrand. I was born May 21, 1970 in Parkersburg, West Virginia. I have lived in thirteen states since birth, (but, I can assure you, it was not the original thirteen colonies ruled by King George before the Revolutionary War broke out!)

The things I like to do are reading (books, poems, newspapers, cereal boxes...and have been known to read mac-n-cheese boxes! I blame my Mother! :-) I love to write Poetry, which you have probably already noticed. I am my own worst critic, but thanks to you people out there, I am starting to have a little more confidence in my writing skills. Thank you!

I love Star Trek, (but you won't find any Star Trek links on my pages.)

My tastes (in everything) are hot and cold. There are no in between!) I love beautiful homes, but hate contempary furnishing, clothing, etc.... For me, I love the classic and the elegant!

As for food, there's not much I won't eat. I abhore sea food, brussel sprouts, organ meats and soy anything! I love chocolate, and home-cooked meals.

I love to be wined-and-dined, and romanced!

I love long hair, simple jewelry, comfortable clothes and roses.

My children are my life!

They are Jonathan Kyle, who just turned eight, and he glories in it! He is in second grade and has a crush on the prettiest girl in class, and from what I hear, the feeling is mutual.

Nathaniel Victor is my second son. He is six-and-a-half, and is the most loving child a parent could ever want. I am going to put up a page for him since he is my "special child".

Christopher Isaac is my third son. He just turned five. He is the cutest little imp. He is quite petite. He likes to do anything that Jonathan does-- which is get in trouble.

My pregnancy with Christopher was long and difficult.

I started going into pre-term labor at 24 weeks (six months). He was born at 36 weeks gestation, and was very healthy for a preemie. He weighed 5lbs. 9oz., and I was able to bring him home from the hospital.

My last child, to date, is Samuel Adam. He's my "Gerber Baby". Seriously! If they were to advertise for a new "Gerber Baby" I would definatley enter Samuel.

Samuel was my surprise baby. (I thought I had an appendicitis!) When they told me that I was pregnant, I did not believe them. I made the doctor repeat himself. Then he had the gall to ask if I wanted an abortion!!! At least they weren't going to have to cut me open!

I now have another child born on April 4, 1999 at 1:07am. It was Easter Morning. I am also going to write a page concerning her since she has a rare condition known as Albinism. We named her Naomi Lavina.

I have three brothers, all of whom I love and hate on alternating days! (I guess that is what sisters do, right?)

Now, for a little bit about my husband.

I met Joseph when I made trip to Michigan in April 1990. He was sweet and quiet.

When Dad and I returned to Wyoming, I told Dad that I wanted to marry Joseph.

We returned to Michigan in June for a friend's wedding. (They would soon be my brother and sister-in-law.)

Joseph and I had our first, (and only) date. We were engaged the following month.

On August 16, 1990, I was married to my sweetheart.

He has turned out to be a good husband. He is a hard worker, and loves me and the children very much.

As you may have gathered from reading my poetry, we have not had a very good few months lately, but we will be back together in July! (Hallejuah!)

I am currently living in Wyoming. It is my home state and I think I will always consider it as such.

I hope this little biography satisfies your curiosity about who I am. Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit my pages. God bless you!

Background by:
Emmerald's Place