Welcome to Meredith's Pet Page
 Hi.  My name is Meredith.  My family of animals would like to welcome you to their page.  I live in LaFargeville, NY with two black cats, a siamese cat, and a dog.  My cat's names are Fresno, Nala, and Sammy.  My puppy's name is Nakita.  We hope you enjoy our page!!  :)

About Fresno, Nala, and Sammy

Fresno is one year old, Nala is ten months old, and Sammy is 3 months old.  Fresno is very energetic and outgoing.  He's a big mommas boy.  He follows me around anywhere and loves to lay on my lap, especially when I'm on the computer.  Nala, on the other hand, is very loving and affectionate.  She's a very, very spoiled cat.  She is your typical priss cat.  When she meows she gets anything and she knows it, but I still love her.  I adopted Nala from people who were giving her away at five weeks old, and I bought Fresno from a pet store at eight weeks.  Sammy was an early Christmas present this year to me.  He was only 4 weeks old when we adopted him from the Orlando Humane Society.  He had mange and ringworm when we adopted him, but we immediately took him to the vets and got it treated.  He had to be seperated from our other animals for a litte bit until his ringworm was pretty much gone.  I am so happy with the animals that I have and I do not want to see any suffer.  I feel as though I rescued my cats from terrible situations.  Fresno was very unhappy in the pet store; Nala was not doing very well where she was; and Sammy was very sick when I adopted him.  If anyone can rescue animals the way I did PLEASE do.
Fresno on his jungle jim.
Nala begging for a treat.

Sammy posing.
Sammy taking a nap.

Rochester, New York and Monroe County Lollypop Farm and Humane Society

Cat Pages
Cat Gif Animations
Graphics from Cat Stuff
Individual Cat Pages
Having problems with cat names...Check these out!!
A good humor site for the bad kitty/bad human
You can get to Fresno's, Nala's, and Sammy's CLAW page here
Each year, many of animals are abused and not cared for.  The animals are usually put down due to overpopulation.  Please help by spaying or neutering your pets.  Click on the link above and see what you can do to help.

Go here to see our dog and horses...

  Go here to see Nakita, our Rottweiler

Go here to see my horses, Susie Q and Brandy

Fresno's, Nala's, and Nakita's Awards Page

Go here to see my web rings
The gang.

   A tribute to my kitty "Sunni" that past away 5-96 

  Noah Arks Vigil..Please HELP!!!

Here are a list of my favorite places.  I thought you might enjoy them too.

The Truth About Cats and Dogs

Acme Pet..Your Guide to Pets on the Internet

AllPets-Comprehensive Pet Magazine and Encyclopedia

Dog Hause-- A playground for pets and petlovers

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