Dream Catchers Therapeutic Horsemanship
P.O. Box 151
New Kent, VA 23124
(804) 966-1414
Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday

boy and pony

Therapeutic riding uses equine-oriented activities for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social well-being of people with disabilities. Dream Catchers Therapeutic Horsemanship (DCTH) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides horseback riding lessons as therapy to these individuals.

Mission Statement
Our purpose is to create an environment where the many acknowledged medical, physical, and emotional benefits of therapeutic horseback riding can be provided in a professional, quality-driven manner.

Our commitment as a good community citizen is to be certain that these program benefits are provided uniformly to the community at large without regard for financial condition or ability to pay.

Our performance is judged by meeting and exceeding the expectations of our riders, their medical advisors, national association accreditors, and the many public and private funding organizations who make our efforts possible through their contribution.

What is Therapeutic Horseback Riding?
Horseback riding helps mentally and physically challenged people achieve a quality of life that is improved, enhanced, and enriched. Based on input from doctors, therapists, teachers, and parents, the students' individual goals are designed to complement on-going therapy and education.

The benefits of horseback riding are threefold:

  • Physical- The three-dimensional motion of the horse provides the rider hip and back action that stimulates natural walking. Riding relaxes and strengthens muscles and improves body tone, posture, balance, joint mobility, and coordination.
  • Emotional- Contact with horses and horsemanship training provide a non-competitive setting for learning. New abilities, self-discipline, and improved concentration build self-confidence.
  • Social- Horseback riding nurtures a positive self-image. Riders may, for the first time in their lives, experience independence and a sense of being part of a team.
  • Dream Catchers is accredited by the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA). This association sets and monitors standards and safety procedures, educates and certifies instructors, and promotes the benefits of therapeutic riding throughout North America.


    How to become a rider at Dream Catchers
    How can I help?
    Take a look at our wish list

    Links to look at:
    North American Riding for the Handicapped Association
    Virginia Geotechnical Services, P.C.

    Visitors to the riding center are always welcome! Please call (804) 966-1414 for more information.

    email us at: dreamcatchers@vgspc.com

    This page last updated on May 14, 1998.

    hits since April 7, 1998

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