Source FGS Cyral A. Wastson Rexburg, ID. sources listed Maine Gen p 858 Death: Message Compuserve between Charles W Hollister 75250,1627 and Tom Putnam 76702,1236, 13 March 1993. His sources: Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of New England 1860-52; Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, 1985. Comment in message: It is a testament to the social mechanisms that were in place in early New England which allowed an individual at the age of 64, as you say John’s mother (Catherine:/Protesia HOLDRICK) was to emmigrate after the death of her husband and start a new life in New England. It would be interesing to see discussions on groups of individuals or "extended families" which immigrated together and settled the towns and regions of New England. Marriage: Same Reference as Death. [LEWISGED.GED]
