previous - go to surnames

Gray, Terry
father: Gray, Wayne
Gray, Timothy John
father: Gray, John Harris
mother: Martin, Molly Ann
Gray, Wayne
father: Gray, Harry M.(1896 - 1985)
mother: Fuller, Lucy
----------child: Gray, Rodney
----------child: Gray, Terry
----------child: Gray, Larry
----------child: Gray, Karma
Gray, Wayne Gregory
spouse: Mohler, Lynn Marie
Graybeal, Elsia
b. in Maxwell, Virginia

spouse: Armentrout, William Price (1886 - ~1956)
- m. 22 APR 1918 in Bluefield, West Virginia

Greaton, James
spouse: Johnson, Cynthia Jo
----------child: Greaton, Rachel Leona
----------child: Greaton, Nathaniel Parker
Greaton, Nathaniel Parker
father: Greaton, James
mother: Johnson, Cynthia Jo
Greaton, Rachel Leona
father: Greaton, James
mother: Johnson, Cynthia Jo
Greawe, Dorothy Ann
spouse: Kyger, James William
----------child: Kyger, Mary Katherine
Greeder, Arthur Frederick II
spouse: Earman, Ann Lupton
----------child: Greeder, Richard Shane
Greeder, Richard Shane
father: Greeder, Arthur Frederick II
mother: Earman, Ann Lupton
Green, ? (>1850 - <1860)
b. AFT. 1850
d. BEF. 1860

father: Green, John L.(1822 - <1860)
mother: Giger, Martha D.(1831 - >1874)
Green, ?
spouse: Purdham, Helen
Green, Bettie
spouse: Harper, William A. (1859 - )
Green, Carolyn Kite
spouse: Kyger, Warren Garfield Jr. (1946 - 1997)
Green, Daniel Kyger
father: Green, Frederick Kyger
mother: Windbigler, Jane K.
Green, Effie
spouse: House, Jesse Alvin (1875 - )
----------child: House, Laurence
----------child: House, Morris
Green, Fern (1883 - 1970)
b. 31 JAN 1883
d. AUG 1970 in Newark, Ohio

spouse: House, Irvin G. (1885 - 1970)
- m. 18 FEB 1903

----------child: House, Paul Vernon (1910 - 1987)
----------child: House, Frances Elizabeth
Green, Frederick Kyger
father: Green, George Weimer(1911 - 1996)
mother: Kyger, June Lucille(1914 - 1991)
spouse: Windbigler, Jane K.
----------child: Green, Daniel Kyger
----------child: Green, Matthew Kurt
----------child: Green, Mary Kristen
Green, George Weimer (1911 - 1996)
b. 5 OCT 1911 in Kansas City, Missouri
d. 14 NOV 1996 in Indian Meadows Nursing Center, Overland Park, Kansas

spouse: Kyger, June Lucille (1914 - 1991)
- m. 30 DEC 1939

----------child: Green, George Weimer Jr. (1944 - 1963)
----------child: Green, Frederick Kyger
----------child: Green, Mary Patricia
Green, George Weimer Jr. (1944 - 1963)
b. 11 MAY 1944
d. 13 AUG 1963

father: Green, George Weimer(1911 - 1996)
mother: Kyger, June Lucille(1914 - 1991)
Green, John L. (1822 - <1860)
b. 1822 in Kentucky
d. BEF. 1860 in Cooper Township, Sangamon County, Illinois

spouse: Giger, Martha D. (1831 - >1874)
- m. 26 JUL 1848 in Sangamon County, Illinois

----------child: Green, William (1850 - <1860)
----------child: Green, ? (>1850 - <1860)
Green, Mary Kristen
father: Green, Frederick Kyger
mother: Windbigler, Jane K.
Green, Mary Patricia
father: Green, George Weimer(1911 - 1996)
mother: Kyger, June Lucille(1914 - 1991)
Green, Matthew Kurt
father: Green, Frederick Kyger
mother: Windbigler, Jane K.
Green, Pegy Pauline
spouse: Mauger, Michael Lyle
Green, William (1850 - <1860)
b. APR 1850 in Sangamon County, Illinois
d. BEF. 1860

father: Green, John L.(1822 - <1860)
mother: Giger, Martha D.(1831 - >1874)
Greenberg, ?
father: Greenberg, Leroy Bernard
mother: ?, ?
Greenberg, Bernard
spouse: Diehl, Louise (1907 - <1998)
----------child: Greenberg, Leroy Bernard
Greenberg, Leroy Bernard
father: Greenberg, Bernard
mother: Diehl, Louise(1907 - <1998)
spouse: ?, ?
----------child: Greenberg, ?
Grefe, Christopher Alan
spouse: Monger, Rebecca Lynn
Gregarson, ?
spouse: Weast, Virginia
Gregg, John
spouse: Draper, Korina Kay
Gregg, Ruby Mae
spouse: Nelson, William Eugene (1928 - 1954)
----------child: Nelson, Larry Eugene (1951 - 1954)
----------child: Nelson, Doris Adele
Grey, Sarah Elaine
spouse: Collier, Douglas Jay
Griffin, Altamay
father: Griffin, Rex Gilbert(1895 - 1985)
mother: Mauger, Vernie Minnie(1893 - )
spouse: Briggs, Charles Warren
----------child: Briggs, Charles Wayne
----------child: Briggs, Diane Lee
----------child: Briggs, Linda
----------child: Briggs, Mark Brian
----------child: Briggs, David Rex
Griffin, Brad Lee
father: Griffin, Lawrence Hite
mother: Engel, June
spouse: Binder, Joann
----------child: Griffin, David Jonathan
----------child: Griffin, Heather
Griffin, Carol Lynn
father: Griffin, Lawrence Hite
mother: Engel, June
spouse: Binder, James
----------child: Binder, Terry
Griffin, Clyde
d. in WW II

spouse: Burkhalter, Doris
----------child: Griffin, Clyde Jr.
Griffin, Clyde Jr.
father: Griffin, Clyde
mother: Burkhalter, Doris
Griffin, David Jonathan
father: Griffin, Brad Lee
mother: Binder, Joann
Griffin, Donnie McAdam
spouse: Patterson, Carolyn Louise
Griffin, Eric
father: Griffin, Lawrence Wayne
mother: Leidle, Linda
Griffin, Gerald Lee
father: Griffin, Russell Gilbert
mother: O'Dell, Shirley Ann
Griffin, Heather
father: Griffin, Brad Lee
mother: Binder, Joann
Griffin, Jacqueline Ann
father: Griffin, William Donald(1916 - 1996)
mother: Putman, Jean Marie
spouse: Larkin, David Wayne
----------child: Larkin, Tammy Lynn
----------child: Larkin, Cindy Ann
----------child: Larkin, David Scott
----------child: Larkin, William Gordon
Griffin, Judith Ann
father: Griffin, Russell Gilbert
mother: O'Dell, Shirley Ann
spouse: Emery, Gary Edward
----------child: Emery, Michelle Ann
----------child: Emery, Shawn Edward
Griffin, Kelli Sue
father: Griffin, Russell Gilbert
mother: O'Dell, Shirley Ann
Griffin, Lawrence Hite
father: Griffin, Rex Gilbert(1895 - 1985)
mother: Mauger, Vernie Minnie(1893 - )
spouse: Engel, June
----------child: Griffin, Phillip Dale (1950 - 1992)
----------child: Griffin, Brad Lee
----------child: Griffin, Carol Lynn
spouse: Schmeck, Leatrice
----------child: Griffin, Lawrence Wayne
Griffin, Lawrence Wayne
father: Griffin, Lawrence Hite
mother: Schmeck, Leatrice
spouse: Leidle, Linda
----------child: Griffin, Eric
----------child: Griffin, Sean
spouse: Lichon, Gloria
Griffin, Lori Jean
father: Griffin, Russell Gilbert
mother: O'Dell, Shirley Ann
Griffin, Loris Geraldine
father: Griffin, Rex Gilbert(1895 - 1985)
mother: Mauger, Vernie Minnie(1893 - )
spouse: Dunhan, Carson Charles
Griffin, Lynn Russell
father: Griffin, Russell Gilbert
mother: O'Dell, Shirley Ann
spouse: Bender, June Ellen
----------child: Griffin, Stephen Kenyon
----------child: Griffin, Sarah Susann
----------child: Griffin, Matthew James
Griffin, Margaret Joeann
father: Griffin, Rex Gilbert(1895 - 1985)
mother: Mauger, Vernie Minnie(1893 - )
spouse: Montei, Paul Eugene
----------child: Montei, Monte Kim
----------child: Montei, Dennis Eugene
----------child: Montei, Randy Paul
----------child: Montei, Paula Jo (1963 - 1980)
Griffin, Matthew James
father: Griffin, Lynn Russell
mother: Bender, June Ellen
Griffin, Phillip Dale (1950 - 1992)
b. 13 SEP 1950
d. 28 NOV 1992

father: Griffin, Lawrence Hite
mother: Engel, June
Griffin, Rex Gilbert (1895 - 1985)
b. 10 MAY 1895
d. NOV 1985 in Caro, Michigan

spouse: Mauger, Vernie Minnie (1893 - )
- m. 16 DEC 1914

----------child: Griffin, William Donald (1916 - 1996)
----------child: Griffin, Lawrence Hite
----------child: Griffin, Russell Gilbert
----------child: Griffin, Altamay
----------child: Griffin, Loris Geraldine
----------child: Griffin, Margaret Joeann
Griffin, Russell Gilbert
father: Griffin, Rex Gilbert(1895 - 1985)
mother: Mauger, Vernie Minnie(1893 - )
spouse: O'Dell, Shirley Ann
----------child: Griffin, Judith Ann
----------child: Griffin, Gerald Lee
----------child: Griffin, Lynn Russell
----------child: Griffin, Sheryl Natalie
----------child: Griffin, Lori Jean
----------child: Griffin, Kelli Sue
Griffin, Sandy Jean
father: Griffin, William Donald(1916 - 1996)
mother: Putman, Jean Marie
spouse: Diederich, Roger Glenn
----------child: Diederich, Dawn Marie
----------child: Diederich, Derek Christopher
Griffin, Sarah Susann
father: Griffin, Lynn Russell
mother: Bender, June Ellen
Griffin, Sean
father: Griffin, Lawrence Wayne
mother: Leidle, Linda
Griffin, Sheryl Natalie
father: Griffin, Russell Gilbert
mother: O'Dell, Shirley Ann
spouse: Burke, Paul Arthur
----------child: Burke, Brian Jeffrey
----------child: Burke, Keri Ann
----------child: Burke, Andrew Paul
Griffin, Stephen Kenyon
father: Griffin, Lynn Russell
mother: Bender, June Ellen
Griffin, Wanda Louise
spouse: Franklin, Walter Vernon Jr.
----------child: Franklin, Carrie Lynn
----------child: Franklin, Deborah Sue
----------child: Franklin, Walter Vernon III
Griffin, William Donald (1916 - 1996)
b. 21 FEB 1916
d. 19 SEP 1996 in Clarkston, Michigan

father: Griffin, Rex Gilbert(1895 - 1985)
mother: Mauger, Vernie Minnie(1893 - )
spouse: Putman, Jean Marie
----------child: Griffin, William Donald Jr. (1947 - 1970)
----------child: Griffin, Jacqueline Ann
----------child: Griffin, Sandy Jean
Griffin, William Donald Jr. (1947 - 1970)
b. 30 JUN 1947
d. 15 DEC 1970

father: Griffin, William Donald(1916 - 1996)
mother: Putman, Jean Marie
Griffith, ?
spouse: Foltz, Ruby
Griffith, Martha J. (1853 - 1928)
b. 18 AUG 1853
d. 18 DEC 1928 in New Bloomfield, Callaway County, Missouri

spouse: Kyger, George Washington (1845 - 1923)
- m. 28 MAR 1872

----------child: Kyger, Hallie Gertrude (1873 - 1946)
----------child: Kyger, George Elwood (1879 - 1957)
----------child: Kyger, Mary B. (1883 - <1923)
----------child: Kyger, Hubert (1887 - <1923)
----------child: Kyger, Forrest B. (1889 - 1889)
Griffith, Tisye
spouse: Meyerhoeffer, Marion Filler (1917 - 1996)
----------child: Meyerhoeffer, Boyd Eugene
----------child: Meyerhoeffer, Ellen Joan
----------child: Meyerhoeffer, Marvin Ray
----------child: Meyerhoeffer, Rollin David
----------child: Meyerhoeffer, Darlene Marie (1957 - 1989)
Griggs, Carl
spouse: Howdyshell, Geneva
Griggs, Phebe (~1828 - )
b. ABT. 1828

spouse: Geiger, Jacob (1823 - 1863)
- m. 15 OCT 1846 in Perry County, Ohio

----------child: Geiger, John W. (1845 - 1928)
----------child: Geiger, Martha J. (~1848 - )
----------child: Geiger, Sarah A. (~1850 - )
----------child: Geiger, David M. (~1856 - )
----------child: Geiger, Benjamin F. (~1860 - )
----------child: Geiger, Jacob (~1863 - )
Grim, Ann (? - 1971)
d. 31 JUL 1971

spouse: Garland, Forrest Granville (1906 - 1974)
----------child: Garland, Thomas H.
----------child: Garland, William F.
Grim, Judith Kay
spouse: Mauger, Jay Lee
----------child: Mauger, Timothy Jay (1965 - 1965)
----------child: Mauger, Laura Kay
----------child: Mauger, David Lee
----------child: Mauger, Rebekah Joy
----------child: Mauger, Jonathan Jay
Grimaud, Herbert
spouse: Duprey, Leslie Ann
Grimes, Frank (1898 - 1989)
b. 13 SEP 1898 in Ashland, Kansas
d. 24 JAN 1989 in Denver Colorado

spouse: Neher, Laura Belle (1900 - 1996)
- m. 9 AUG 1930

----------child: Grimes, Laura Rebecca
----------child: Grimes, William Bradford
----------child: Grimes, Robert Joseph
Grimes, Grant
spouse: Kyger, Alice Tucora (1872 - 1955)
- m. 23 JUN 1897

Grimes, Laura Rebecca
father: Grimes, Frank(1898 - 1989)
mother: Neher, Laura Belle(1900 - 1996)
spouse: Olson, Clarence Henry
Grimes, Robert Joseph
father: Grimes, Frank(1898 - 1989)
mother: Neher, Laura Belle(1900 - 1996)
Grimes, William Bradford
father: Grimes, Frank(1898 - 1989)
mother: Neher, Laura Belle(1900 - 1996)
spouse: Kyle, Marilyn Louise
Grimm, Lucille Grace
spouse: Lilly, James Franklin "Frank" (1900 - 1957)
----------child: Lilly, Nancy Lee
----------child: Lilly, Violet Ann
----------child: Lilly, Georgianna
----------child: Lilly, Charles Martin
Grimm, Marie Virginia (1894 - 1983)
b. 4 OCT 1894
d. 7 JAN 1983

spouse: Pirkey, Marion Frank (1889 - 1958)
- m. ABT. 1916

----------child: Pirkey, Nellie (1924 - 1969)
----------child: Pirkey, Louise
----------child: Pirkey, Charles
----------child: Pirkey, Ann
----------child: Pirkey, Jacob
----------child: Pirkey, Janet
----------child: Pirkey, Howard
----------child: Pirkey, John
Grimm, Whitfield
spouse: Lilly, Cammie Columbia (1902 - 1973)
Grimsly, Lois Elaine
spouse: Kisling, Oliver Richard Jr.
----------child: Kisling, Oliver Richard III
----------child: Kisling, Timothy Scott
----------child: Kisling, Crystal Elaine
----------child: Kisling, Richard Andrew
Gross, Bill
father: Gross, Robert L.
mother: Kyger, Barbara Ann(1936 - 1973)
Gross, David John
spouse: Monger, Katheryn Elizabeth
Gross, Irene
spouse: Dennis, Marvin Giger (1901 - )
----------child: Dennis, Marvin Giger Jr. (1928 - 1943)
----------child: Dennis, Jo Anne
Gross, Jaci
spouse: Mohler, Mark Douglas
Gross, Keith
father: Gross, Robert L.
mother: Kyger, Barbara Ann(1936 - 1973)
Gross, Larry
father: Gross, Robert L.
mother: Kyger, Barbara Ann(1936 - 1973)
Gross, Linda
father: Gross, Robert L.
mother: Kyger, Barbara Ann(1936 - 1973)
spouse: Schooley, Jim
----------child: Schooley, Kimberley
----------child: Schooley, Jennifer
Gross, Philip
spouse: Giger, Irene (1904 - 1993)
Gross, Robert L.
spouse: Kyger, Barbara Ann (1936 - 1973)
----------child: Gross, Larry
----------child: Gross, Bill
----------child: Gross, Linda
----------child: Gross, Keith
Grove, Fred
spouse: Howdyshell, Edith
----------child: Grove, Michele
Grove, Mathew Jay
father: Grove, Richard E.
mother: Moyer, Helen Elizabeth
Grove, Michele
father: Grove, Fred
mother: Howdyshell, Edith
Grove, Richard E.
spouse: Moyer, Helen Elizabeth
----------child: Grove, Susan Elaine
----------child: Grove, Samuel Ernest
----------child: Grove, Mathew Jay
----------child: Grove, Sarah
Grove, Samuel Ernest
father: Grove, Richard E.
mother: Moyer, Helen Elizabeth
Grove, Sarah
father: Grove, Richard E.
mother: Moyer, Helen Elizabeth
Grove, Susan Elaine
father: Grove, Richard E.
mother: Moyer, Helen Elizabeth
Grover, Rhonda
spouse: Duprey, Frank Todd
----------child: Duprey, Jared Todd
----------child: Duprey, Radford
Groves, Jesse
spouse: Chism, Anna Blanche (1874 - )
Grubbs, Oklahoma H. (1889 - 1963)
b. 18 JUN 1889
d. 18 JUN 1963

spouse: Wyant, Ruth Lewis
Grubbs, Wilma Helen (1918 - 1952)
b. 1 SEP 1918 in Fresno, California
d. 21 DEC 1952 in San Mateo, California

spouse: Risdon, Robert Richard
----------child: Risdon, Richard Allen
----------child: Risdon, William Brooks
----------child: Risdon, Judith Claire
----------child: Risdon, James Edward
----------child: Risdon, ? (1952 - 1952)
Grumadas, Gwendolyn Angel
father: Grumadas, Robert Stanley(1943 - 1976)
mother: Hart, Mary Loretta(1942 - 1987)
spouse: Parker, Timmy Wayne
----------child: Parker, Robert Lynn
----------child: Parker, Timmy Wayne
----------child: Parker, Kellis James
Grumadas, Michael James
father: Grumadas, Robert Stanley
mother: Johnson, Rhonda Michelle
Grumadas, Robert Stanley (1943 - 1976)
b. 23 SEP 1943 in Moline, Rock Island, Illinois
d. 24 SEP 1976 in Iowa City, Iowa

spouse: Hart, Mary Loretta (1942 - 1987)
- m. 19 FEB 1966 in Moline, Rock Island, Illinois

----------child: Grumadas, Gwendolyn Angel
----------child: Grumadas, Robert Stanley
Grumadas, Robert Stanley
father: Grumadas, Robert Stanley(1943 - 1976)
mother: Hart, Mary Loretta(1942 - 1987)
spouse: Johnson, Rhonda Michelle
----------child: Grumadas, Michael James
Guccione, Karen Elizabeth
spouse: Wilson, Brad Logan
----------child: Wilson, Katherine
----------child: Wilson, Kelly Nicole
Guenther, ?
spouse: Rule, Marilyn
Gukins, Beverly Jean
father: Gukins, Finneis M.
mother: Correll, Dorothy Grace
Gukins, Finneis M.
spouse: Correll, Dorothy Grace
----------child: Gukins, Beverly Jean
Gulick, Jane Churchill (1880 - 1926)
b. 2 AUG 1880
d. 16 JUL 1926 in Princeton, New Jersey

spouse: Armentrout, James Sylvester (1887 - 1976)
- m. 23 AUG 1909

----------child: Armentrout, James Sylvester Jr. (1913 - 1993)
Gurreria, Katie
spouse: Lilly, Leon Wilson (1915 - 1974)
Gurtler, Sarah Alice (1883 - 1964)
b. 14 NOV 1883
d. 21 MAY 1964

spouse: Pirkey, Wilfred Abraham (~1885 - ~1961)
- m. ABT. 1917

----------child: Pirkey, Audrey Virginia (1918 - 1961)
Guy, Arnold Chester
spouse: Duncan, Lucille (1911 - 1985)
Gyger, Aaron (1838 - 1859)
b. 5 AUG 1838 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 30 JUN 1859 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
Gyger, Alte James (1911 - 1970)
b. 2 JUN 1911
d. 2 OCT 1970 in New Braunfels, Texas

father: Gyger, Charles Phillip(1881 - 1959)
mother: Snow, Nancy Bell(1881 - 1949)
spouse: Wade, Flossie Anna
Gyger, Alvin K. (1893 - 1988)
b. 4 MAY 1893 in Proctor, Comanche County, Texas
d. 8 NOV 1988 in Tonto Basin, Arizona

father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: Brickly, Grace
Gyger, Arlie Jane (1885 - 1954)
b. 22 MAR 1885 in Avoca, Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 20 JUL 1954 in Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
spouse: Bridwell, Fred
- m. 3 AUG 1904 in Lawrence County, Indiana

Gyger, Cecil Evert (1899 - 1955)
b. 14 DEC 1899 in Proctor, Comanche County, Texas
d. 15 MAR 1955 in Denver, Colorado

father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: Adkins, Alice Louise (1902 - 1983)
Gyger, Charles E.
father: Gyger, George W.(1825 - )
mother: Kennedy, Matilda F.(~1828 - )
Gyger, Charles Phillip (1881 - 1959)
b. 4 JUL 1881 in Huckaby, Erath County, Texas
d. 23 APR 1959

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
spouse: Snow, Nancy Bell (1881 - 1949)
- m. 19 JAN 1902

----------child: Gyger, Clarence Phillip (1906 - 1979)
----------child: Gyger, Alte James (1911 - 1970)
----------child: Gyger, Marion Perry (1913 - 1983)
Gyger, Clarence Phillip (1906 - 1979)
b. 10 JUL 1906 in Lyra, Palo Pinto County, Texas
d. 11 JUN 1979 in Cisco, Eastland County, Texas

father: Gyger, Charles Phillip(1881 - 1959)
mother: Snow, Nancy Bell(1881 - 1949)
spouse: Wimberley, Blanche Cordelia (1908 - 1994)
- m. 4 MAR 1927 in Cisco, Texas

Gyger, Cynthia L.
father: Gyger, Wesley Lee(1947 - 1989)
mother: Meyer, Cynthia Louise
spouse: Tisdell, ?
Gyger, Della (1888 - 1968)
b. 5 FEB 1888 in Stephenville, Erath County, Texas
d. 4 JAN 1968 in Lynnwood, Los Angeles County, California

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
spouse: King, Charlie
- m. 23 DEC 1902

spouse: Humphreys, George Washington
- m. 4 JUL 1910 in Stephanville, Texas

Gyger, Dovie May (1904 - 1996)
b. 11 DEC 1904 in Texas
d. 11 DEC 1996

father: Gyger, James Arthur(1879 - 1969)
mother: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar(1873 - 1960)
spouse: Turner, Romy
Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington (1871 - 1958)
b. 29 NOV 1871 in Tyler, Smith County, Texas
d. 8 NOV 1958 in Glendale, Arizona

father: Wellington, George W. "Will"(1818 - ~1872)
mother: Gyger, Tabitha Louisa(1845 - 1924)
spouse: Painter, Corda Ella (1876 - 1975)
- m. 18 JUN 1893 in Comanche County, Texas

----------child: Gyger, Alvin K. (1893 - 1988)
----------child: Gyger, Ernest Bryan (1897 - 1965)
----------child: Gyger, Cecil Evert (1899 - 1955)
----------child: Gyger, Ruby Lucille (1902 - )
----------child: Gyger, Roy Ray "Jack" (1904 - 1977)
----------child: Gyger, Floyd Wayne (1906 - 1987)
----------child: Gyger, Fred Lee
----------child: Gyger, Odell
----------child: Gyger, Olene
----------child: Gyger, Willie Glen (1913 - 1996)
Gyger, Elizabeth (1830 - )
b. 1830 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
Gyger, Elizabeth (1847 - )
b. 1847 in Shawswick, Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, Larkin(1818 - 1889)
mother: Adams, Nancy(1827 - 1891)
Gyger, Elizabeth (1886 - 1917)
b. 2 JAN 1886 in Huckaby, Erath County, Texas
d. 17 FEB 1917 in Bryant, Oklahoma

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
spouse: Wimberley, Henry Clay (1886 - 1950)
- m. 5 NOV 1905 in Carroll County, Mississippi

----------child: Wimberley, Henry Haywood "Woodie" (1906 - 1994)
----------child: Wimberley, Blanche Cordelia (1908 - 1994)
----------child: Wimberley, William Leo (1915 - 1997)
Gyger, Elizabeth Nicholson (1814 - 1895)
b. 4 FEB 1814 in Jefferson County, Tennessee
d. 1 MAY 1895 in Martin County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Laughlin, John Osman Monroe (1815 - 1895)
- m. 4 OCT 1836 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Laughlin, George Dunn (1837 - 1838)
----------child: Laughlin, Sarah Tabitha (1839 - 1906)
----------child: Laughlin, Matilda Ellen (1841 - 1909)
----------child: Laughlin, John Duncan (1843 - 1909)
----------child: Laughlin, Joseph Dunn (1845 - 1925)
----------child: Laughlin, Miranda Caroline (1846 - 1916)
----------child: Laughlin, Ulysses Gillis (1848 - 1904)
----------child: Laughlin, Rufus Jasper (1850 - 1938)
----------child: Laughlin, Minerva Emerine (1852 - 1941)
----------child: Laughlin, Osmyn Alonzo (1854 - 1898)
Gyger, Ernest Bryan (1897 - 1965)
b. 16 JUL 1897 in Proctor, Comanche County, Texas
d. 11 DEC 1965 in Perryton, Ochiltree County, Texas

father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: Leatherman, Grace Mae (? - 1962)
Gyger, Esther (1813 - )
b. 1813

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
Gyger, Finley (1839 - )
b. FEB 1839 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: ?, ?
mother: Gyger, Louisa(1820 - 1898)
spouse: Bennett, Nancy (1844 - )
- m. ABT. 1862

----------child: Gyger, Nathaniel (~1864 - )
----------child: Gyger, Jasper O. (~1865 - )
----------child: Gyger, Richard L. (~1868 - )
----------child: Gyger, Mattia A. (~1870 - )
----------child: Gyger, Joseph (~1872 - )
----------child: Gyger, Robert (~1874 - )
----------child: Gyger, Hubert (~1877 - )
----------child: Gyger, Maud A. (1881 - )
----------child: Gyger, Arlie Jane (1885 - 1954)
----------child: Gyger, Pearl (1887 - )
Gyger, Floyd Wayne (1906 - 1987)
b. 14 FEB 1906
d. 30 OCT 1987

father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: Jones, Arlene (1907 - 1991)
Gyger, Fred Lee
father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: Young, Blanche (1908 - 1994)
Gyger, George (? - 1830)
d. 11 OCT 1830 in Washington County, Indiana

father: Geiger, George(1748 - >1807)
mother: Kline, Barbara(? - ~1783)
spouse: Henderson, Tabitha (1785 - 1850)
- m. 30 JAN 1804 in Jefferson County, Tennessee

----------child: Gyger, John (1808 - 1873)
----------child: Gyger, Sarah (~1809 - )
----------child: Gyger, Susan (1811 - 1882)
----------child: Gyger, Lavenny (1812 - )
----------child: Gyger, Esther (1813 - )
----------child: Gyger, Loraine (1813 - )
----------child: Gyger, Elizabeth Nicholson (1814 - 1895)
----------child: Gyger, Ulysses (1817 - )
----------child: Gyger, Larkin (1818 - 1889)
----------child: Gyger, Josephus (1819 - )
----------child: Gyger, Louisa (1820 - 1898)
----------child: Gyger, Matilda (1820 - )
----------child: Gyger, Isaiah (1822 - )
----------child: Gyger, George W. (1825 - )
----------child: Gyger, Minerva Jane (1827 - 1891)
----------child: Gyger, Mahala (1828 - )
----------child: Gyger, Wiley (1829 - )
Gyger, George (1895 - )
b. 18 FEB 1895

father: Gyger, William Franklin(1855 - 1907)
mother: Shaw, Maggie
Gyger, George W. (1825 - )
b. 5 DEC 1825 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Kennedy, Matilda F. (~1828 - )
- m. 3 MAY 1854 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Gyger, Susan B.
----------child: Gyger, Robert D.
----------child: Gyger, Charles E.
----------child: Gyger, James H.
Gyger, George W. (1829 - 1856)
b. 13 MAR 1829 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 2 MAR 1856 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
spouse: Murray, Elizabeth (1829 - 1868)
- m. 25 JUL 1850 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Gyger, Sarah Ann (1852 - 1926)
----------child: Gyger, John Alexander (1853 - 1923)
----------child: Gyger, William Franklin (1855 - 1907)
Gyger, Hubert (~1877 - )
b. ABT. 1877 in Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
Gyger, Ira (1912 - 1979)
b. 30 JUN 1912 in Texas
d. JUL 1979 in Oroville, California

father: Gyger, James Arthur(1879 - 1969)
mother: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar(1873 - 1960)
Gyger, Irene
father: Gyger, James Arthur(1879 - 1969)
mother: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar(1873 - 1960)
Gyger, Isaac (1858 - )
b. 1858

father: Gyger, Wiley(1829 - )
mother: Kimbley, America Ann(1832 - )
Gyger, Isaiah (1822 - )
b. 1822 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Perkins, Eliza Jane (~1828 - )
- m. 1 APR 1847 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Gyger, William W. (~1848 - )
----------child: Gyger, John T. (1850 - )
Gyger, James (1832 - 1842)
b. 22 FEB 1832 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 19 OCT 1842

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
Gyger, James Arthur (1879 - 1969)
b. 16 MAR 1879 in Lyra, Texas
d. 5 NOV 1969 in Santa Rosa, California

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
spouse: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar (1873 - 1960)
- m. 1 APR 1903 in Strawn, Palo Pinto County, Texas

----------child: Gyger, James Thomas (1904 - 1953)
----------child: Gyger, Dovie May (1904 - 1996)
----------child: Gyger, Margie Loretta
----------child: Gyger, William Ira
----------child: Gyger, Irene
----------child: Gyger, Lester
----------child: Gyger, Ira (1912 - 1979)
----------child: Gyger, Marion (1913 - 1994)
Gyger, James H.
father: Gyger, George W.(1825 - )
mother: Kennedy, Matilda F.(~1828 - )
Gyger, James Thomas (1904 - 1953)
b. 19 JAN 1904 in Lyra, Palo Pinto County, Texas
d. 23 JUL 1953 in California

father: Gyger, James Arthur(1879 - 1969)
mother: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar(1873 - 1960)
spouse: Bryant, Opal (1908 - 1982)
- m. 1923

----------child: Gyger, Wesley Lee (1947 - 1989)
Gyger, Jasper O. (~1865 - )
b. ABT. 1865 in Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
Gyger, John (1808 - 1873)
b. 31 MAR 1808 in Jefferson County, Tennessee
d. 15 FEB 1873 in Washington County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Leet, Anna (1809 - 1867)
- m. 1 MAY 1828 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Gyger, George W. (1829 - 1856)
----------child: Gyger, Elizabeth (1830 - )
----------child: Gyger, James (1832 - 1842)
----------child: Gyger, Minerva J. (1834 - 1854)
----------child: Gyger, Mary Ann (1836 - )
----------child: Gyger, Aaron (1838 - 1859)
----------child: Gyger, Nancy (1840 - 1855)
----------child: Gyger, Tabitha (1844 - 1853)
----------child: Gyger, Louise Jane (1846 - )
----------child: Gyger, Rebecca A. (1848 - 1848)
----------child: Gyger, John Winthrop (1849 - 1857)
Gyger, John (1852 - 1853)
b. 1852
d. 1853

father: Gyger, Wiley(1829 - )
mother: Kimbley, America Ann(1832 - )
Gyger, John Alexander (1853 - 1923)
b. 20 SEP 1853 in Sterling, Whiteside County, Illinois
d. 15 DEC 1923 in Oklahoma

father: Gyger, George W.(1829 - 1856)
mother: Murray, Elizabeth(1829 - 1868)
spouse: Baker, Vina Emoline (1860 - 1949)
- m. 14 OCT 1877 in Stephenville, Erath, Texas

----------child: Gyger, James Arthur (1879 - 1969)
----------child: Gyger, Charles Phillip (1881 - 1959)
----------child: Gyger, Naomi Dolly (1883 - 1984)
----------child: Gyger, Lula Blanch (1884 - )
----------child: Gyger, Elizabeth (1886 - 1917)
----------child: Gyger, Della (1888 - 1968)
----------child: Gyger, John Lester (1889 - 1971)
----------child: Gyger, Josie Ethel (1891 - )
----------child: Gyger, Mabel Catherine (1895 - 1918)
spouse: Vandever, Viola
- m. 28 DEC 1898 in Erath County, Texas

Gyger, John Lester (1889 - 1971)
b. 11 JUL 1889 in Stephenville, Erath County, Texas
d. JAN 1971 in Breckenridge, Stephens County, Texas

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
Gyger, John T. (1850 - )
b. 1850

father: Gyger, Isaiah(1822 - )
mother: Perkins, Eliza Jane(~1828 - )
Gyger, John Winthrop (1849 - 1857)
b. 23 JUN 1849 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 1 FEB 1857 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
Gyger, Joseph (~1872 - )
b. ABT. 1872 in Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
Gyger, Josephus (1819 - )
b. 1819

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
Gyger, Josie Ethel (1891 - )
b. 30 JUN 1891 in Comanche, Erath County, Texas

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
spouse: Richardson, Jim
- m. 8 SEP 1908

Gyger, Larkin (1818 - 1889)
b. 4 MAR 1818 in Jefferson County, Tennessee
d. 3 FEB 1889 in Proctor, Comanche County, Texas

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Adams, Nancy (1827 - 1891)
- m. 15 AUG 1841

----------child: Gyger, Martha Alice (1843 - 1909)
----------child: Gyger, Tabitha Louisa (1845 - 1924)
----------child: Gyger, Elizabeth (1847 - )
----------child: Gyger, William Alvin (1850 - 1914)
----------child: Gyger, Laura "Fanny" (1852 - 1881)
Gyger, Laura (1857 - )
b. 1857

father: Gyger, Wiley(1829 - )
mother: Kimbley, America Ann(1832 - )
Gyger, Laura "Fanny" (1852 - 1881)
b. 4 OCT 1852 in Jamestown, Smith County, Texas
d. 17 APR 1881 in Comanche County, Texas

father: Gyger, Larkin(1818 - 1889)
mother: Adams, Nancy(1827 - 1891)
Gyger, Lavenny (1812 - )
b. 1812 in Jefferson County, Tennessee

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Montgomery, Harvey (1807 - 1860)
- m. 21 SEP 1830 in Washington County, Indiana

----------child: Montgomery, Mary Jane (1832 - )
----------child: Montgomery, William M. (1836 - )
----------child: Montgomery, Sarah (1837 - )
----------child: Montgomery, Susan (1841 - )
----------child: Montgomery, Harvey
----------child: Montgomery, Marilla (1843 - )
----------child: Montgomery, Henry M. (1846 - )
----------child: Montgomery, Edward (1848 - )
----------child: Montgomery, Manerva (1850 - )
Gyger, Lester
father: Gyger, James Arthur(1879 - 1969)
mother: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar(1873 - 1960)
Gyger, Loraine (1813 - )
b. 1813

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
Gyger, Louisa (1820 - 1898)
b. 1820 in Jefferson County, Tennessee
d. 5 JAN 1898 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: ?, ?
----------child: Gyger, Finley (1839 - )
spouse: Tumey, William H. (? - <1850)
- m. 23 FEB 1844 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Tumey, Susan (1844 - )
----------child: Tumey, Isaac N. (1845 - )
spouse: Veach, ?
- m. AFT. 1850

Gyger, Louise Jane (1846 - )
b. 18 JAN 1846 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
spouse: Wagley, Ephriam (1835 - )
- m. 11 APR 1860 in Lawrence County, Indiana

Gyger, Lula Blanch (1884 - )
b. 20 APR 1884 in Huckaby, Erath County, Texas

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
spouse: Woslum, F. A.
- m. 23 DEC 1898 in Erath County, Texas

----------child: Woslum, Fred
----------child: Woslum, Emery
----------child: Woslum, Jack
Gyger, Mabel Catherine (1895 - 1918)
b. 18 APR 1895 in Nueces, Erath County, Texas
d. 17 NOV 1918 in Bryant, Oklahoma

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
spouse: Rogers, John
Gyger, Mabel E. (1900 - 1992)
b. 18 FEB 1900
d. 19 SEP 1992 in Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana

father: Gyger, Richard L.(~1868 - )
mother: Strain, Minnie E.
spouse: Beavers, Smith Edgar
- m. 26 APR 1920 in Monroe County, Indiana

Gyger, Mahala (1828 - )
b. 1828 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Dodson, Joseph P.
- m. 26 APR 1844 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Dodson, Charlotte (~1847 - )
spouse: Tumey, Elijah (~1828 - )
- m. AFT. 1847

----------child: Tumey, William T. (~1848 - )
----------child: Tumey, Henry (~1849 - )
Gyger, Margie Loretta
father: Gyger, James Arthur(1879 - 1969)
mother: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar(1873 - 1960)
spouse: Turner, Osco Preston (1899 - 1949)
Gyger, Marion (1913 - 1994)
b. 5 APR 1913 in Texas
d. 27 OCT 1994 in Houston, Texas

father: Gyger, James Arthur(1879 - 1969)
mother: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar(1873 - 1960)
Gyger, Marion Perry (1913 - 1983)
b. 5 APR 1913
d. 15 AUG 1983 in Prairie Lea, Texas

father: Gyger, Charles Phillip(1881 - 1959)
mother: Snow, Nancy Bell(1881 - 1949)
spouse: Scroggins, Vera
Gyger, Martha Alice (1843 - 1909)
b. 27 MAY 1843 in Shawswick, Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 24 JUL 1909 in Crook County, Oregon

father: Gyger, Larkin(1818 - 1889)
mother: Adams, Nancy(1827 - 1891)
spouse: Ruble, Andrew Jackson (1835 - 1916)
- m. 10 DEC 1867 in Jamestown, Smith County, Texas

----------child: Ruble, Robert Lee (1869 - 1878)
----------child: Ruble, Lucie Virginia (~1871 - 1949)
----------child: Ruble, Walter Rankin (~1875 - )
----------child: Ruble, Claudius Spurgeon (1882 - 1900)
----------child: Ruble, Katie Alice (1885 - 1961)
Gyger, Martha Elizabeth (1893 - )
b. 9 DEC 1893

father: Gyger, William Franklin(1855 - 1907)
mother: Shaw, Maggie
Gyger, Mary Ann (1836 - )
b. 24 JUN 1836 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
spouse: Kimbley, Jackson
- m. in Lawrence County, Indiana

Gyger, Matilda (1820 - )
b. 1820 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Binney, James
- m. 3 JUL 1836 in Lawrence County, Indiana

Gyger, Mattia A. (~1870 - )
b. ABT. 1870

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
Gyger, Maud A. (1881 - )
b. DEC 1881 in Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
Gyger, Minerva J. (1834 - 1854)
b. 21 MAY 1834 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 28 JAN 1854 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
spouse: Murray, George (? - 1851)
- m. 25 JUL 1850 in Lawrence County, Indiana

spouse: Davis, Calvin
- m. AFT. 1852

----------child: Davis, Anna (? - 1854)
Gyger, Minerva Jane (1827 - 1891)
b. 1 MAY 1827 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 10 AUG 1891 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Sellars, Granville (1825 - 1901)
- m. 13 JAN 1852 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Sellars, Amanda E. (1852 - 1881)
----------child: Sellars, John E. (1859 - 1887)
----------child: Sellars, Nancy A. (1863 - 1911)
Gyger, Nancy (1840 - 1855)
b. 3 NOV 1840 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 25 NOV 1855 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
Gyger, Naomi Dolly (1883 - 1984)
b. 19 JAN 1883 in Huckaby, Erath County, Texas
d. 11 FEB 1984 in Martinez, Contra Costa County, California

father: Gyger, John Alexander(1853 - 1923)
mother: Baker, Vina Emoline(1860 - 1949)
spouse: Clonch, Arthur
- m. 20 AUG 1902

spouse: Wimberley, Henry Clay (1886 - 1950)
- m. 18 OCT 1918

----------child: Wimberley, Doris Emiline
Gyger, Nathaniel (~1864 - )
b. ABT. 1864 in Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
Gyger, Odell
father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: Smith, Maurice
Gyger, Olene
father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: Comer, Joe
Gyger, Pearl (1887 - )
b. 12 DEC 1887 in Avoca, Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
Gyger, Rebecca A. (1848 - 1848)
b. 21 MAY 1848 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 24 JUL 1848 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
Gyger, Richard L. (~1868 - )
b. ABT. 1868 in Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
spouse: Strain, Minnie E.
- m. 7 MAR 1895 in Monroe County, Indiana

----------child: Gyger, Mabel E. (1900 - 1992)
Gyger, Robert (~1874 - )
b. ABT. 1874 in Indiana

father: Gyger, Finley(1839 - )
mother: Bennett, Nancy(1844 - )
Gyger, Robert D.
father: Gyger, George W.(1825 - )
mother: Kennedy, Matilda F.(~1828 - )
Gyger, Roy Ray "Jack" (1904 - 1977)
b. 1 JAN 1904 in Elk City, Oklahoma
d. 4 JAN 1977 in Costa Mesa, California

father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: ?, Bernice (1901 - 1993)
Gyger, Ruby Lucille (1902 - )
b. 28 MAY 1902 in Proctor, Comanche County, Texas
d. in Amarillo, Potter County, Texas

father: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington(1871 - 1958)
mother: Painter, Corda Ella(1876 - 1975)
spouse: McLain, Merrill Thomas (1897 - 1985)
- m. 23 AUG 1918 in Liberal, Kansas

----------child: McLain, Winnifred Lanore
----------child: McLain, Merrill Thomas Jr. (1924 - 1986)
----------child: McLain, Lorene Louise
----------child: McLain, Robert Gyger
----------child: McLain, Larry Glen
----------child: McLain, Patsy Jean
----------child: McLain, Gail Lee
----------child: McLain, Betty Ann
Gyger, Sarah (~1809 - )
b. ABT. 1809

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
Gyger, Sarah Ann (1852 - 1926)
b. 24 FEB 1852 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 2 JUN 1926 in Millidgeville, Carroll County, Illinois

father: Gyger, George W.(1829 - 1856)
mother: Murray, Elizabeth(1829 - 1868)
spouse: Hart, Jacob Barnabus (1845 - 1916)
- m. 7 DEC 1871 in Millidgeville, Carroll Co, Illinois

----------child: Hart, John Sovern (1873 - 1928)
----------child: Hart, William (1875 - 1879)
----------child: Hart, Arthur Leroy (1877 - 1947)
----------child: Hart, Mary Elizabeth (1879 - )
----------child: Hart, Nettie May (1881 - 1881)
----------child: Hart, Nellie Maude (1888 - 1960)
Gyger, Susan (1811 - 1882)
b. 6 FEB 1811 in Newton County, Tennessee
d. 2 JUN 1882 in Coleta, Whiteside County, Illinois

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Winters, James M.
- m. 17 AUG 1831 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Winters, Catharine (1832 - )
----------child: Winters, William J. (1834 - )
----------child: Winters, Tabitha H. (1836 - )
----------child: Winters, George Clinton (1838 - )
----------child: Winters, James P (1840 - )
----------child: Winters, Elhanan C. (1843 - )
----------child: Winters, Matilda C. (1846 - )
----------child: Winters, Mellissa J. (1849 - )
----------child: Winters, John M. (1852 - )
Gyger, Susan B.
father: Gyger, George W.(1825 - )
mother: Kennedy, Matilda F.(~1828 - )
Gyger, Tabitha (1844 - 1853)
b. 1 APR 1844 in Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 30 AUG 1853 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, John(1808 - 1873)
mother: Leet, Anna(1809 - 1867)
Gyger, Tabitha Louisa (1845 - 1924)
b. 7 MAR 1845 in Shawswick, Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 19 JAN 1924 in Quanah, Texas

father: Gyger, Larkin(1818 - 1889)
mother: Adams, Nancy(1827 - 1891)
spouse: Wellington, George W. "Will" (1818 - ~1872)
- m. ABT. 1871 in Tyler, Smith County, Texas

----------child: Gyger, Early Ernest Wellington (1871 - 1958)
spouse: Pitt, Milton Everett (1846 - 1926)
- m. 17 DEC 1874 in Comanche County, Texas

----------child: Pitt, Emmitt Everett (1875 - 1946)
----------child: Pitt, Fanny
----------child: Pitt, Sidney
----------child: Pitt, Oliver
----------child: Pitt, George
----------child: Pitt, Walter
Gyger, Ulysses (1817 - )
b. 1817 in Tennessee

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Davis, Lucy Ann (~1824 - )
- m. 27 OCT 1852 in Lawrence County, Indiana

Gyger, Wesley Lee (1947 - 1989)
b. 18 JUN 1947 in Sonoma, California
d. 1 MAY 1989 in Celenas, California

father: Gyger, James Thomas(1904 - 1953)
mother: Bryant, Opal(1908 - 1982)
spouse: Meyer, Cynthia Louise
----------child: Gyger, Cynthia L.
Gyger, Wiley (1829 - )
b. 1829 in Lawrence County, Indiana

father: Gyger, George(? - 1830)
mother: Henderson, Tabitha(1785 - 1850)
spouse: Kimbley, America Ann (1832 - )
- m. 24 MAR 1851 in Lawrence County, Indiana

----------child: Gyger, John (1852 - 1853)
----------child: Gyger, Laura (1857 - )
----------child: Gyger, Isaac (1858 - )
Gyger, William Alvin (1850 - 1914)
b. 16 AUG 1850 in Shawswick, Lawrence County, Indiana
d. 30 DEC 1914 in Proctor, Comanche County, Texas

father: Gyger, Larkin(1818 - 1889)
mother: Adams, Nancy(1827 - 1891)
spouse: Smith, Harriet L.
- m. 22 OCT 1870 in Smith County, Kansas

Gyger, William Franklin (1855 - 1907)
b. 5 SEP 1855
d. 4 FEB 1907

father: Gyger, George W.(1829 - 1856)
mother: Murray, Elizabeth(1829 - 1868)
spouse: Shaw, Maggie
- m. 16 JUL 1890

----------child: Gyger, William Oscar (1891 - )
----------child: Gyger, Martha Elizabeth (1893 - )
----------child: Gyger, George (1895 - )
Gyger, William Ira
father: Gyger, James Arthur(1879 - 1969)
mother: Wimberley, Louise Dunbar(1873 - 1960)
Gyger, William Oscar (1891 - )
b. 16 OCT 1891

father: Gyger, William Franklin(1855 - 1907)
mother: Shaw, Maggie

next - go to surnames