THE "Test All Things" BOOKSTORE
NOT ONLY DO I enjoy books that make you think and study but I also enjoy a good novel once in a while. It has been difficult to find good, well written Christian novels out there. Here are some really great page turners that you will definitely want to check out.

THIS IS THE FIRST in an ongoing great series. So far Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins has written four with a promise of more to come. This first one deals with the Rapture of all believers and the confusion and chaos that comes afterward as the world tries to explain what happened.

THE SECOND IN THE SERIES deals with a small group of believers who rally together to seek God's will for them during the challenging time of Tribulation. Lahaye and Jenkins do a great job in bringing to life the beginning period of the Tribulation and the trials believers will be facing at that time.

THE THIRD BOOK deals with the rise to power of the Antichrist. Once again the insight these guys show is really neat in the way they describe his arrival on the scene. Although no one will know all the details until that time comes, Lahaye and Jenkins do a wonderful job at presenting a very viable solution.

THIS BOOK CONTINUES the story of Antichrist's rise to power. You see how he succeeds in gaining global popularity and loyalty. Tension mounts as the small group of believers known as the "Tribulation Force" are placed more and more in harms way. Lahaye and Jenkins also do a good job of showing how the "seal" that believer's receive during that time may be carried out. Revelation 7:3.

THIS IS THE BOOK WHERE things begin to really heat up. The Anti-Christ is beginning to show his true colors. The Judgement with the horses with women's hair and scorpian's tails are on the scene. The two witnesess get cranked up. I really enjoyed this one.

THIS IS THE LATEST in the series! Assasins just continues to build the tension as the Tribulation picks up speed heading for its conclusion in the return of Christ. Tensions mount as one of the members dies and an attempt is made on the Antichrist's life. Hmmmmm, what will happen next? :)

THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS is not only a great story, it gives you some clues as to the inside scoop of how the enemy works and just how subtle and slick he is. This book is about the story of a junior demon learning the ropes on how to make the Christian he is assigned to ineffective. It is a great book!

*Left Behind-the Movie*


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