Generation Five Continued

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139. Luke5 HOLLOWELL (57.Abner4, 18.Luke3, 3.Thomas2, 1.Thomas1) was born about 1751 in Chowan Co., NC. Luke died 1832 in Gates Co., NC. The name of his first wife is unknown.

Known children of Luke HOLLOWELL are:

286. m i. Abner HOLLOWELL, born about 1777 in Chowan Co., NC. He married (1) Mary GRIFFIN 13 Apr 1816 in Chowan Co., NC.

Abner married (2) Nancy PARKER 1835 in Preble Co., OH. She was born about 1794 in NC.

I Abner Hollowell of the County of Preble and State of Ohio do make and Publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say. Item 1st It is my will that my Funeral Expenses & all my Just debts be paid out of my estate. Item 2nd I give and bequeath to Tamer Goodwin (wife of Henry Goodwin) Five Hundred dollars in money. Item 3rd I give and bequath to Benjamin Skiner the amount due me on a certain Note which I hold against him. Item 4th The Residue of my Estate both real and personal I give and bequeath to Lavina Goodwin (widow of the late James Goodwin deceased) as long as she shall live and after her death I direct that the same be divided equally between Abigail Goodwin and Lavina Goodwin (daughter of the late James Goodwin deceased) to be to them their heirs and assigns forever. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this 23rd day of January 1853. Abner Hollowell. (seal). Signed and published and declared by the above named Abner Hollowell as his Last will & testament in presence of us who at his request have signed as Witnesses to the same. David Lantis, William Kellam. (Proved 18 April 1855).

+ 287. m ii. Adam HOLLOWELL, born about 1784.

288. m iii. Azor HOLLOWELL, born about 1786 in Chowan Co., NC. He married (1) Elizabeth JONES 30 Sep 1817 in Chowan Co., NC. Azor died before 1850 in Gates Co., NC.

Azor married (2) Jintcy WARD 19 Mar 1822 in Chowan Co., NC.

SOURCE: Chowan Co., NC marriage records. 1830 Census Preble Co., OH, Azor was living in Gratis Twp., with brothers Abner and Adam. 1850 Census Gates Co., NE, 13 Sept. 1850, p. 46, #721, Azar Hollowell, 27, M, farmer, $125, NC; Mary, __, F, NC. p. 46, #722, Penelope Hollowell, 51, F, $150, NC; William, 25, M, $150, NC; Dorsey, 22, M, NC; Luke, 19, M, NC.

Luke married (2) Phoebe BYRUM 1795 in Chowan Co., NC.

Known children of Luke HOLLOWELL and Phoebe BYRUM are:

+ 289. m iv. Noah HOLLOWELL, born about 1798, died 27 Oct 1865.

+ 290. m v. Luke HOLLOWELL, born about 1799, died about 1832.

291. f vi. Sarah HOLLOWELL, born about 1804 in Chowan Co., NC.

292. f vii. Phoebe HOLLOWELL, born about 1805 in Chowan Co., NC. She married Noah JORDAN 20 Nov 1817.

Luke married (3) Peninnah.

SOURCE: Chowan Co. NC marriage records. 1820 Census Chowan Co., NC, age 45 up.

Will proved May court 1832, Gates Co., NC. In the name of God Amen. I, Luke Hollowell of Gates County and State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be to God for the same this 13th day of May in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and Thirty two make and publish this my last will and testament in manner as following that is to day. First I lend and bequeath unto my beloved wife Pennina Hollowell all my estate after paying my just debts and Contracts during her natural life or widowhood and all so for her to sell my land whereon I now live if she should wish to move but for her to keep my children all together with her and for my part of land in Chowan County to be sold with the rest of the land belonging to the same tract and if she should be married again for an equal division between my beloved wife and my children. Also I nominate and appoint my friend William Byrum for to be hole and sole executor to this my last will fulfilled & satisfied thereunto I set my hand and fixed my seal signed in the presence of us Willis Bunch (Jurat), Amos Hobbs (Jurat). Luke (X) his mark Hollowell. May Court 1832: exhibited & proved by Willis Bunch & Amos Hobbs; the executor - qualified. (Recorded Gates Co., NC, Book 2, p. 306).

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141. Rhoda5 HOLLOWELL (57.Abner4, 18.Luke3, 3.Thomas2, 1.Thomas1) was born about 1768 in Chowan Co., NC. Rhoda died 1839 in Chowan Co., NC. She married Cullen BUNCH 27 Dec 1785 in Chowan Co., NC. He was born about 1747 in NC. He was the son of Shadrick BUNCH and Christian SMALL. Cullen died 1818 in Chowan Co., NC.

Known children of Rhoda HOLLOWELL and Cullen BUNCH are:

293. m i. Jesse BUNCH.

294. m ii. Cullen BUNCH, Jr..

295. m iii. Frederick BUNCH.

296. f iv. Rachel BUNCH. She married ________ HARRIS in Chowan Co., NC.

297. f v. Mary (Polly) BUNCH. She married ________ PARRISH before 1833 in Chowan Co., NC.

SOURCE: She was called Mary Parrish in will of her mother.

298. f vi. Sally BUNCH. She married ________ MITCHELL before 1818 in Chowan Co., NC.

SOURCE: She was named in will of father. Sally died before 1833 in Chowan Co., NC. She was mentioned as deceased in will of mother dated 1833.

299. f vii. Elizabeth BUNCH. She married ________ WEBB before 1818 in Chowan Co., NC.

300. f viii. Rhoda BUNCH. She married Edward Wolf/WOFF before 1839 in Chowan Co., NC.

SOURCE: 27 Dec. 1785. Cullen Bunch married Rhoda Hollowell. William Hollowell bondsman. (North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 1, No. 2, J. R. B. Hathaway, "Abstract of Chowan Co. Marriage Bonds," p. 246).

Will proved 1818 Chowan Co., NC (Bk 6, p. 70). Will of Cullen Bunch of Chowan Co., NC. April 14, 1818. Dec. Term 1818. Wife: Rhody. Sons: Jesse, Cullen, Frederick. Dau: Sally Mitchell, Elizabeth Webb, Rhody Bunch, Rachel Bunch, Polly Bunch. Exr: John Hollowell, son Cullen. Test: Henry Flurry, Samuel Mcguire. (North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 1, No. 4 October, 1900, J. R. B. Hathaway, Editor, "Abstracts of Wills", p. 520).

Will proved 1839, Chowan Co., NC (Bk C, p. 225). In the name of God Amen. I Rodia Bunch of the State of N Carolina and County of Chowan being low in health but perfect in mind and memory blessed be God for the same, do this the 15 day of Octr in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty three 1833 - make and publish this my last will and testament in manner of following that is to say that it is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid - Item 2 - I give and bequeath unto my son Jesse Bunch twenty dollars to be paid out of my Estate. Item 3 - I give and bequeath unto my son Collin Bunch the Land and plantation whereon I now live with my still and all the cider apparatus there to belonging. Item 4 - I give and bequeath to my son Frederick Bunch Eighty Dollars in money one bed and furniture to be raised out of my estate. Item 5 - I give and bequeath unto my Daughters Elizabeth Bunch, Rodia Woff, Rachel Harris, Mary Parrish, and my Daughter Sally Mitchell decd my Negro man Stephen to be equally divided between them all Sally Mitchell's part to be divided between her children which will be one fifth part of Stephen. Item 6 - I Give and bequeath unto my grand Daughter Milisant Harris one cow and calf or the value there of at my death. Item 7 - It is my will and desire that the remainder of my property after paying my just debts be equally divided between my children Jesse Bunch, Elizabeth Bunch, Rhodia Woff, Rachel Harris, Frederick Bunch and Mary Parrish and Cullin Bunch to share and share alike. And I do nominate and appoint Cullin Bunch and Edward Woff Executors to this my last will and testament in witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal in the day and date above mentioned. Rhoda (X) Bunch her mark. Signed and Delivered in the presence of Cader Purcy, John Burks. (Probated 1840, Book C, p. 245).

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143. John5 HOLLOWELL (57.Abner4, 18.Luke3, 3.Thomas2, 1.Thomas1) was born about 1775 in Chowan Co., NC. John died 1824 in Chowan Co., NC. He married (1) Penina BYRUM 26 May 1795 in Chowan Co., NC. She was the daughter of Jonas BYRAM. Penina died before 1824 in Chowan Co., NC.

Known children of John HOLLOWELL and Penina BYRUM are:

301. m i. John HOLLOWELL, born about 1780 in Chowan Co., NC. He married Mary STALLINGS 16 Feb 1811 in Chowan Co., NC. She was born about 1784 in NC. SOURCE: Chowan Co., NC, Vital Statistics, Vol 1, p. 399. Film 259318. John died before 1850 in Chowan Co., NC.

1850 Census Chowan Co., NC, p. 87, #141/141, Mary Hollowell, 66, F, NC; Martin, 13, M, NC; Mary Stallings, 40, F, NC.

302. m ii. Moses HOLLOWELL, born about 1784 in Chowan Co., NC. He married Esther BYRAM 14 Jun 1803 in Chowan Co., NC. SOURCE: Chowan Co., NC, Marriage Records, Vol 1, p. 394. Film 259318. 1820 Census Chowan Co., NC.

+ 303. f iii. Clarkey HOLLOWELL, born about 1798.

John married (2) Esther about 1810 in Chowan Co., NC.

Known children of John HOLLOWELL and Esther are:

+ 304. f iv. Rhoda HOLLOWELL, born about 1812.

+ 305. f v. Esther HOLLOWELL, born about 1817.

306. f vi. Mary HOLLOWELL, born about 1818 in Chowan Co., NC. She married Edwin BYRAM 6 Apr 1839 in Chowan Co., NC.

307. f vii. Axey HOLLOWELL, born about 1819 in Chowan Co., NC. She married John WHITE 20 Nov 1838 in Chowan Co., NC. SOURCE: Chowan Co., NC Marriage records

SOURCE: 1791, May 26, 1791. John Hollowell married Penina Byram. Nicholas Stallings, bondsman. (Chowan Co., NC, Marriage Records, Vol 1, p. 252, Film 259318).

Division of estate of Jonas Byrum, Chowan Co., NC, 1795. Peninah Hollowell, Rachel Ward and Esther Ward. (North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 2, No. 2, J. R. B. Hathaway, "Division of Estates Chowan Co., " p. 257). 1800 Census Chowan Co., NC.

Will proved September term 1824, Chowan Co., NC (Book C, p.108). In the name of God Amen. I, John Hollowell of the State of No Carolina Chowan County being in a loe state of health but of sound mind & memory thanks be to God for the same calling to mind the unsertainty of life and the Serentey of death do make and ordane this to be my last will and testament in manner as follows that is to say: First I give and bequeth to my well beloved son John Hollowell all of my land being the land where on I now live to him and his lawful heirs for ever - but if he should died leaving no lawfull heirs then it is my will and desire that my son Moses Hollowell have all of my land to him and his hires for ever. 2 - I give and bequeath to my son Moses Hollowell one Negro ____ by the name of Cherry her and her increase to him and his hires for ever. 3 - I give and bequeath to my Daughter Clarkey Birum one bead and furniture with some other furniture which she has in pursson to her and her hires for ever. 4 - I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Hollowell one bead and furniture with one Duck wheel to her and her hires for ever. 5 - I give and bequeath to my Daughter Roday Hollowell one fether bead and furniture one Duck Wheale to her and her Hires for ever. 6 - I give and bequeath to my Daughter Eastar Hollowell one fether bead and furniture one Duck wheel to her and her hires for ever. 7 - I give and bequeath to my Daughter Axcey Hollowell one fether bead and furniture one Duck Wheel to her & her hires for ever. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife during her natural life or widdow hood all of my lands and buildings where on I now live two negroes by the name of Toney and Hollon one wooden log & hornys. It is my will and desire after all of my Just debts being paid for my wife to have all of the remaining part of my estate not given a way. Which will include all of my crop of ever kind and stock and all of my farming utinstals with every particle of my estate & after the death of my wife then for the rest of my estate given to my wife to be equally divided among all my herrs. I do hereby appoint and ordaine my worthy fiend Miles Welch to be my Holey & Soley Executor to this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal the 19 of August 1824. John Hollowell. Sined in the presents of Moses Hobbs, John Twine. (Proved September Term 1824, Book C, p. 108).

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161. Samuel5 HOLLOWELL (63.Absalom4, 20.Thomas3, 4.Henry2, 1.Thomas1) was born about 1756 in Surry Co., VA. Samuel died in Wayne Co., NC. He married Zerusha PARKER 25 Apr 1792 in Rich Square MM, Northampton Co., North Carolina. She was the daughter of Amos PARKER. Zerusha died in Wayne Co., NC.

Known children of Samuel HOLLOWELL and Zerusha PARKER are:

+ 308. m i. Thomas HOLLOWELL, born 30 Sep 1793, died after 1850.

309. f ii. Martha HOLLOWELL, born 4 Dec 1801 in Northampton Co., NC, died in childhood 11 Sep 1806 in Northampton Co., NC, at the age of 4.

310. m iii. Joab HOLLOWELL, born 20 Mar 1806 in Northampton Co., NC.

311. f iv. Sarah HOLLOWELL, born 19 Nov 1808 in Northampton Co., NC.

312. f v. Eliza HOLLOWELL, born 20 Nov 1808 in Northampton Co., NC, died 16 Nov 1863 in Northampton Co., NC, at the age of 55.

313. m vi. Samuel HOLLOWELL, born 12 Jun 1812 in Northampton Co., NC.

SOURCE: 1790 Census Northampton Co., NC. 1800 Census Northampton Co., NC. 1810 Census Northampton Co., NC, (listed as Samuel Holleway). He moved to Wayne Co., IN.

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162. Benjamin5 HOLLOWELL (73.Halstead4, 29.Benjamin3, 7.Benjamin2, 1.Thomas1) was born 9 Sep 1751 in Norfolk Co., VA. Benjamin died before Feb 1785 in Hyde Co., NC. He married Margaret. Margaret died after 1790 in Hyde Co., NC.

Known children of Benjamin HOLLOWELL and Margaret are:

+ 314. m i. Denson HOLLOWELL, born about 1775/1780.

315. m ii. Benjamin HOLLOWELL, born about 1784 in Hyde Co., NC. SOURCE: 1800 Census Hyde Co., NC, p. 370, Benjamin Hollowell, 1 male (10-16); 1 female (45+).

SOURCE: "William & Mary Quarterly", Series 1, Vol. 1, p. 161, "Births and Baptisms Transcribed From the Records of Norfolk County" by Edward W. James. Benjamin Hollowell, 2 white, 2 slaves. (Lower Norfolk County, Virginia Antiquary, Edward Wilson James, "Free and Slave Norfolk Virginia, 1782," pp. 68-69).

In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin Hollowell of Hyde County in the State of North Carolina being sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory blessed be God do put this my last will and testament in writing as follows: I give devise and bequeath unto my son Deneson Hollowell my plantation and land there unto beloning that I had by father lying on Pungo River to him and his heirs and assigns for ever also fifty acres of land lying on the south side of my mill pond that I bought of William Hollowell to him and his heirs forever. Item I lend to my well beloved wife Margaret Hollowell this plantation where on I now live and land containing two hundred and sixty acres during her widowhood or life with the apertenances there unto belonging also I lend her my water grist mill during her widowhood. I impower my Extr and Extrx hereafter mentioned to make a deed or title to Moses Windley for that part of my land lying in the back pocoson that part adjoining to __ the land so as to come to the edge of my clearing if he will pay a proportionable part of the expence that I have been at conserving the said land. I also lend to my said wife my swamp field with two hundred and fifty acres of land belonging to it during her widowhood I also lend to aforesaid wife four negroes during her widowhood viz: Peter, George, Susan and Barbra. I give to my son Deneson Hollowell all my stock of cattle running at my plantation on Pungo River and two cows and calves at my home pen and one heffer marked in his mark. I give to my two sons two ewes and lambs a piece. Then I give devise and bequeath to my son Benjamin Hollowell the plantation on whereon I now live together with all the land thereunto belonging with two hundred and fifty acres of said swamp land called Prices Ridge together with my water grist mill to him and his heirs and assigns forever. Item I give devise and bequeath to my two sons Deneson Hollowell and Benjamin Hollowell my part of Broad Creek Mill also fifty acres of land I bought of Thomas Smeth and seventy five acres I patent with Joseph Hancock to them and their heirs and assigns for ever to be equally divided between them. I give to my son Deneson Hollowell on Negro boy named Seth one Negro girl named Violet. I give to my son Benjamin Hollowell one Negro boy named Sutton one Negro boy named Jack. I give to son Deneson one mare called Doc to Benjamin one mare called Jinn. I impower my executors to sell my land lying on the Indian Run up Pantego Swamp. I give to my two sons all my wearing clothes. I give to my son Deneson one feather bed and furniture. Item. The rest of my estate that I have not given away in this my last will I give to my wife and my two sons to be equally divided between them after my wife shall marry until then she is to have the use of it to bring up my children and young negroes with any expense against my children and lastly I appoint my wife Margaret Hollowell Extrx and George Barrow Extr to this my last will and testament in witness where of I have unto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of December Anno Domi 1784. Benjamin Hollowell. Signed and sealed in the presence of us Geo. Barrow, Elizabeth Barnet. (Probated Feb. Term 1785, Hyde Co., NC).

Hyde Co., NC Census 1784-1787, Margaret Hollowell, 2 males (-21), 3 females, 6 blacks. 1790 Census Hyde Co., NC, p. 140, Margaret Hollowell, 1 male (+16); 1 male (-16), 3 females.

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165. Elizabeth5 HOLLOWELL (74.John4, 31.John3, 11.John2, 1.Thomas1) was born 8 Oct 1761 in Norfolk Co., VA. She married George WAINRIGHT about 1779 in Norfolk Co., VA. Elizabeth was deceased before 9 April 1793 when George WAINRIGHT married Mrs. Charlotte CLARK. George Wainright was deceased before 10 Dec. 1796 when Charlotte WAINRIGHT married Willis DEANS.

Known children of Elizabeth HOLLOWELL and George WAINRIGHT are:

316. f i. Sarah WAINRIGHT, born 29 Nov 1780 in Norfolk Co., VA.

317. f ii. Elizabeth WAINRIGHT, born 2 Feb 1782 in Norfolk Co., VA.

SOURCE: Hollowell Family Bible. Guradian Bonds, Norfolk Co., VA.

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169. Thomas5 HOLLOWELL (74.John4, 31.John3, 11.John2, 1.Thomas1) was born 26 Jan 1770 in Norfolk Co., VA. He married Mary BACON 18 Feb 1797 in Norfolk Co., VA. She was born 23 Nov 1771 in Norfolk Co., VA. Mary died in Norfolk Co., VA. Thomas died before 1829.

Known children of Thomas HOLLOWELL and Mary BACON are:

318. f i. Mary HOLLOWELL, born 20 Feb 1798 in Norfolk Co., VA.

319. f ii. Peggy HOLLOWELL, born 16 Jul 1799 in Norfolk Co., VA.

320. m iii. John HOLLOWELL, born 28 Jan 1801 in Norfolk Co., VA, died in childhood 28 Jul 1806 in Norfolk Co., VA, at the age of 5.

321. f iv. Mary HOLLOWELL, born 29 Oct 1803 in Norfolk Co., VA.

322. f v. Martha Ann HOLLOWELL, born 20 Mar 1808 in Norfolk Co., VA.

323. f vi. Ann E. HOLLOWELL, born 24 Dec 1809 in Norfolk Co., VA.

324. f vii. May HOLLOWELL, born 7 Apr 1811 in Norfolk Co., VA.

325. f viii. Elizabeth HOLLOWELL, born 20 Feb 1798 in Norfolk Co., VA.

SOURCE: Hollowell Family Bible. Norfolk Co., VA marriage bonds.

This Indenture made the seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve between Thomas Hollowell and Mary his wife of the County of Norfolk in the State of Virginia of the one part and John Reeves of the county and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Thomas Hollowell and Mary his wife for and in consideration of the sum of fifty one dollars to them in hand paid by the said John Reeves at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the Said John Reeves his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land containing five acres and three roods situate near the road leading from Hodges ferry to Suffolk in Portsmouth Parish and County aforesaid and bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at a Water Oak in a branch that divides the said Hollowell & Reaves, thence running N15 30'E12 chain to a stake in the land of Dempsey Watts decd thence binding on the said Watts line N10 30'W 6 chain N14 30'W 2 chain 50 links to a corner Red Oak in Robert Cox's land, thence binding on his line N79 30'W 3 chains 30 links to a corner stake in the said Hollowells land, thence binding on his line S4 30'E to the beginning, together with all houses, buildings woods undere woods ways waters watercourses, profits commodities, advantages emoluments, hereditaments and appurtenances, and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders, yearly and other rents issues and profits thereof; to have and to hold the said tract of land with every of its appurtenances unto the said John Reeves his heirs and assigns forever; to and for the only proper use and behoof of him the Said John Reeves his heirs and assigns forever. And they the said Thomas Hollowell and Mary his wife for themselves and their heirs the aforesaid tract of land with every of its rights and appurtenances unto the said John Reeves his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of them the said Thomas Hollowell and Mary his wife or either of their heirs and of all and every other person or persons whatsoever shall will and do warrent and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said Thomas Hollowell and Mary his wife have hereunto set their hands and Seals the day and year as first within written. Thomas Hollowell (seal), Mary (X) Hollowell her mark (seal). Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of Geo. Nicholson, Wm. (X) Harris his mark, Thos. (X) Reeves his mark. At a Court held for Norfolk County September 21st 1812. This Indenture was acknowledged by Thomas Hollowell and Mary his wife, she being first privily examined as the law directs and ordered to be recorded. Test. Wm. Wilson, Jun. CNC. (Norfolk Co., VA Deed Book 45, pp. 284-285).

This Indenture made this sixteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight between Mary Hollowell of the County of Norfolk and State of Virginia of the one part and James Rion of the said county and State of the other part. Witnesseth That said Mary Hollowell in consideration of the sum of one Hundred dollars of lawful money of the commonwealth to me in hand paid by the Said James Rion at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto the said James Rion his heirs and assigns all my present right title and claims of the Land my Father Thomas Hollowell possesed in his life time together with all the privileges and advantages belonging thereto the said land. To have and to hold the said land with all the conveinances belonging thereto unto the said James Rion his heirs and assigns forever free from the claims of the said Mary Hollowell and heir heirs forever. In witness whereof the said Mary Hollowell have hereunto set heir hands and seals the day and year first above writen. Mary Hollowell (seal). Signed Sealed & delivered in their presents Thos. K. Orton, George Pulling. In the clerk's office of Norfolk County Court 21st January 1828. This deed was acknowledged by Mary Hollowell & admitted to record. (Norfolk Co., VA Deed Book 53, p. 463).
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