Laura Maciolek’s Homepage

Hi, my name is laura. I am a stay at home mom. Mike is going to have to help me update this section if I feel like it. Right now I have my hands full running our house and taking care of our 3 boys.

I like the following activities & hobbies, click on a link to automatically jump to that section:
playing with my children | Arts & Crafts | Gardening | Baking & decorating cakes.
Stay at home mothers and womany type stuff (cruise? cloths/fashions, womens issues?)
I don't have much time for TV, but here's some decent shows
Mike and I have 3 boys (no girls) but we are very proud of our 2 nieces (my sisters daughters). Click here to view Brittany and DJ.

I have a part time job working in a church daycare 2 days a week. We're working on setting up a special program called "Mothers morning out". (of course, this means *I* WON'T get any morning out for myself?)

(Maybe eventually, Laura can take a more active interest in helping me/us run our car business. I tried to get her into interior work (hey, WTH interior decorating and car upolstery restoration.... kinda the same thing.?)

(Ed Note: This is MadMike writing this. I'm trying to set this page up for Laura, since she's new (afraid of) the computer, this page will essentially become HER jump off point. You may find it interesting to travel around here as well, especially if your a stay at home mom, or like country style motifs, or crafts, or finding neat things to do with your children. Our 5 year old can run circles around Laura in the "drive the computer dept". Laura knows how to turn the monitor on, and make the mouse move. She'll learn.)

This is me with our son Trey!

Laura's Cakes
Well, the catering business sorta went "kaput". I still bake and decorate cakes.

Cool recipes
The recipe box - maybe this could be somethign neat?

Laura's Crafts
I am really creative. I like to make nifty items for gifts, or to display and sell at craft shows and yard sales. Also, the children can have fun making things too and we can decorate our house with things other than (scotch tape, baby formula, spakle, lipstick and crayons. Thank god for washable paint).

Childrens Activities
(maybe links back to the kids page) or mega-links, or...

Gardening Activities
I usually try and make a garden. This winter, Mike parked 2 of his crap cars where the garden goes. Eventually, he got the cars chopped up and/or moved out of where the garden goes.

I'm a huge Melrose place fan. Click here to check out the official melrose place website, or click here to go to the "all things melrose place" (catty gossip/news/who's doing who this week/etc...).

Soap Oprahs
Misc Tear Jerker stuff & couch potatoing

Women/Fun Stuff & Activities
(I want to go on a cruise Michael - hint hint)
Fitness stuff
Stay at home mom stuff
Fashions (like victoria secret honey? - oo-la-la!!!)
Southern Living
Life, Love and a great home. Home Arts Network. is a decent selection of personal, gardening and home magazines and topics.

Country Sampler. craft and decorating ideas.

Mothers Morning Out

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Last updated: 6/26/1998
AuthorMadMike Maciolek