Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Water Resources Research Citation Analysis: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996.
Y.C(Yao-Chuen) Fang received his Bachelor of Science from National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan) in 1995, and Master of Applied Statistics from The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio) in 1998. Recently, he earned his Ph.D. in Environmental Science at Ohio State in 2004. His fields of professional interest are contaminant hydrogeology, groundwater remediation, environmental statistics, GIS and Data Mining Techniques in Applied Sciences. His academic advisor is Dr. Frank Schwartz.
Here is my resume (downloadable). [MS Word format | PDF format]
YC Fang's photo
Updated: September 1, 2004


@ Ohio State

Ilike challenges, especially those unsolved problems encountered in my research area of interest as well as in real life. To me, the world is full of knowledge. What I have seen and learned is so limited. I am still learning. Live and learn is my philosophy of life.

I am sensitive to the surroundings. We never know what we are going to face in next moment. But one thing for sure, never loses our enthusiasm towards our environment. Surprisingly, we may always find something new!

This personal homepage is basically a beta version for continuing process of construction and advertisement of Me. Hopefully, this web site can serve as tools of my communication and interaction with the world.

Internet has been fast growing in the last 5 years. I remember when I first came here from Taiwan, I did not know anything about WWW, email, telnet, etc. And now Internet is most popular with everyone in the world. Whenever you need any information, you just go online; email becomes the best way to reach people. With the technology, progress of telecommunication, you can hold a conference worldwide with people from different countries, or give remote instruction of college courses throughout the world.

I started building my webpage four years ago. It's been a struggling not being able to know exactly what to put in my homepage, even now. Individual webpage can really be a good way for others to know you. However, you've got to have special stuffs to attract people sticking to your page because personal homepage is the least thing people want to see. Therefore my current task is figuring out what to provide in my webpage, and what information people think is important or useful to them.

Meanwhile, the class I'm taking now from my advisor helps me find myself's worth and my own product to sell. That will be guidance and direction that this page will be lead and designed by. I hope this web site will not only let people know me, but sell my product and my service to them.

Useful site advocating the idea of Brand Me:

Contact Information
ICQ: 6960926