In February of 1974 as a twelve-year-old boy from a drug and alcohol infested home, I went to Sunday School for the first time. I didn't know anyone except my friend who had invited me. The Sunday School class was held in an old bread truck just outside the back door of the little country church. The teacher was an eighteen-year-old girl, who fascinated me with the fact that she could show me love and respect even though she had never seen me before. The truck had a small homemade table and benches inside.

That same Sunday night I went back to church, hoping to see that Sunday School teacher again. She had shown me kindness like I had never known. During the service a woman began speaking to the people. To this day I can't remember what that lady preacher was yelling about. It turned out that this woman of God was to have more impact on my life that perhaps any other person I have ever met. The only thing I do remember is kneeling at an old wooden bench, several coats of paint chipping away from it, tears streaming down my face. My heart was laid out, open to the Savior, Jesus.

A few months later, I was standing with my arms stretched toward heaven, just twelve years of age searching for a deeper, fuller relationship with my new found Savior. I felt something stir, way down inside, deeper than my belly. So far inside, I was excitedly frightened. This stirring up came out in a life change that was completely foreign, yet natural.

As time passed, I grew, studied the word, and practiced the gifts that God had bestowed on me, giving words of wisdom and knowledge, prophecies, and preaching and teaching in altar services, prayer meetings, bible studies, youth and junior camps, rallies and services.

When I was older, I fell in love, got married, and by this time, had enlisted in the United States Air Force. I found a special calling, enabling me to serve God, while serving my country. My wife came to me with a daughter, and eleven months later, bore a son. I loved the girl as if she was my own, and I was thrilled with having a son to raise in God's ways. My wife was a blessing to me as my Air Force duties carried my family and me off to what was then West Germany. Although often disobedient to God as a young man, I was used in various ways to minister to others.

Once back in the United States, now a little older, I turned from serving God. I did not deny God, but I would not proclaim Him either. It was during this time God saw fit to call home to glory my son, who by now was five years old. It is important to note here that Bobby died on November 23, 1988. Remember that date for a moment.

I knew Christ was still with me and I cried out in sorrow for my dead son, and in repentance for my present sins. The Lord was still there, waiting for me to come in from the cold. In the years that followed, I chose not to re-enlist in the Air Force, which had been my career of choice. My wife and I grew apart, rather than together, as often is the case with the loss of a child. I knew it was happening but felt powerless to stop it.

My wife filed for divorce, ending my once blissful marriage, but my heart is strong. I continue on serving the Lord as best I know how, constantly failing, and constantly returning to the loving arms of God, who eternally forgives, and forgets. I present myself to all who come in contact with this as a witness to God's everlasting commitment to those who accept Him.

On Christmas Eve of 1997, my stepdaughter was married to her high school sweetheart. Now, here is where that date in 1988 becomes important. On November 23, 1998, my first grandchild, a girl, was born. I don't know if there is a significance to the dates or not, but I consider it a double blessing. Being a grandfather is a wonderful blessing in and of itself, but for that miracle of life to come into our lives exactly 10 years after the most horrific event a parent can face, must carry with it some significance.

Shortly after the separation from my wife, I moved to Las Vegas, Nevada. It was there I found the Church of the Nazarene. It was in the Church of the Nazarene I learned to put words to the mental images and feelings I’d had since my early teens. I had taught holiness and right living for years, but didn’t know how to phrase many things. Ultimately, after discussing my feelings with my Pastor, I ended up at Nazarene Bible College, to fulfill a life long dream, a calling to preach and pastor people into a closer, more satisfying relationship with our Creator.

If you would like to see a picture of my son Bobby, click here. Bobby You will need to use the back button on your browser to return here and finish looking at this page.

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Flash In The Pan

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By Joe Silva

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Silence & Solitude, A Biblical Study


The Home Coming

The Artisan

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