Welcome! Preparation for the Study

Before you begin your Bible study, if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ be sure you have named your sins privately to God the Father. All believers in Jesus Christ are priests. They approach the Father directly, through their Great High Priest Jesus Christ. The message will be delivered through the power of God the Holy Spirit. These are the three known members of the Godhead we individually call Jehovah.

I John 1:9 says in more precise translation:

If we confess our {known} sins,
He is faithful and righteous
to forgive us our {known} sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
  {unknown and forgotten sins}.

You will then be in fellowship with God, filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to learn Bible doctrine from the Word of God. The Great Shepherd has delegated you to a shepherd "in time". Find your right shepherd and study the Word under that person. Throughout this website, you will see the term RBT. This stands for Right Bible Teacher.

John 4:24
God is spirit,
and those who worship Him
must worship in {the filling of the} spirit
and {biblical} Truth/Doctrine.


Salvation and Church Age Spiritual Growth

John 3:36
He who believes in the Son has eternal life;
but he who does not obey the Son
  {the command to believe}
shall not see life,
but the wrath of God abides on him.

Do you believe in the One Invisible God?

Have you made the decision to accept the work on the cross of His Son (the Lord Jesus Christ) as your means of salvation?

If you have never personally believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, the issue in the Church Age is not naming your sins. The issue is Jesus Christ. Only those believers in Jesus Christ in the Church Age can grow to their full spiritual potential.

Before the cross, the world was provided the Family priesthood and then the Levitical priesthood. Both of these forms of priesthoods have now been superceeded with the Royal priesthood of our Great High Priest Jesus Christ. The Word of God is His Mind.

After the cross, when anyone believes in God and accepts Jesus Christ's work on the cross for his salvation, they become permanently in Union with the Son and share all that He is and has. We all become our own priests and represent ourselves before God.

Without Union with Christ, people must rely on the Family priesthood or the Levitical priesthood to approach God. They are lost. It is very difficult to grow spiritually so they substitute "rituals" instead of accepting that the reality has come.

All they can do is follow the basic doctrines such as the Ten Commandments and substitute a "good works existence" for Walking in the More Excellent Way {prototyped by} Jesus Christ.

Paul tells us to "copy him" just as he imitated Jesus. One of the meanings of this is to . . . grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Information and Teaching Aids

1. The Bible declares that the role of the shepherd/Pastor and teacher will always be important to the intake and understanding of Bible doctrine. This guide is NOT intended to replace the work of your right Pastor-teacher or the work of the local church.

2. This guide is intended to be used as an aid for fellow students interested in studying the bible under Pastor-teachers following the methodology of Isaiah 28:10 in one fashion or another.

3. Under this methodology, we believe that the Bible must be studied and taught from the original manuscripts in their original languages.

The Bible must be interpreted in context with the world and world events happening at the time in which it was written.

Each word in the original languages must be analyzed and understood grammatically and syntactically.

And, finally, each doctrine should be taught in categories because doctrine is stored in categories in the soul.

It is doctrine in the soul that can be used used on a day by day basis. As a man thinks in his soul, so he is. In other words, the REAL YOU is what you think! When you think non-biblical norms and standards, you are walking/operating in the flesh. When you allow God to work through you by operating on biblical norms and standards, then you are walking in the spirit - and God produces divine good (only a divine entity COULD create anything divine!).

4. Please use this guide as a study guide. It is a supplement to your copy of the Bible.

5. Comments in {} are provided to help you with what we believe the verse is saying. It is not literally part of the translation.

6. Finally, if you are under the authority of a local shepherd/pastor and teacher and you find yourself questioning his teachings remember it is NOT your business to "straighten him out". His boss is the Lord and the Lord can handle His representatives without your help.

If you can not accept his authority, please quietly look for your right shepherd/pastor and teacher.

We believe the Biblical Viewpoint is that you are NEVER to cause a pastor teacher's authority to be called to question by others in his congregation and this is the one area that concerns the authors of this site. Please use this information for your personal spiritual growth, not to "correct" anyone else!

Thank you!

To Him be the glory forever and ever! Amen/We believe it!