
Here are some more great crafts!

Planetary Spheres
Paper Bag Fish
Punched Hole Picture
String Art
Tissue Paper Sun Catchers
Strawn Blown Paintings
Animal Ear Muffs
Recipe for Salt Clay

Supplies Needed:
Balloons (various sizes)
String and Yarn
white Glue or liquid Starch
disposable Bowls
large sheets of mural Paper or large sheets of drawing
tempera Paint and various sizes of Paintbrushes
Glitter (optional)

Let your child use some imagination to create an outer space mural for his or her bedroom wall. Provide a place covered with newspaper for your child to paint an outer space scene. Next blow up round-shaped balloons and knot them. Fill the bowls with the starch or glue, and begin soaking the string and yarn in the liquid. (Squeeze excess glue from the yarn since it's more absorbent than the string.) Now help your child wrap the string around the balloon numerous times, creating unique designs. If
you want, sprinkle glitter all over the wet string, shaking off the excess. Tie a string to the balloon knot and hang to dry for several days. Pop the balloon and add a new string to use as a hanger. Help your child hang the mural or pictures and the planetary spheres all around his room. He'll discover that light shining through the spheres makes for some interesting shadows on the walls.
~tipomatic.com (elkayem)

Supplies needed:
Tempera paint
Paper bag
Construction paper scraps
Construction paper (brown, for treasure chest), and glitter for jewels

To begin, crease the bottom of the bag for the mouth. Now color this area with a bright color. Next, decide the colors your child wants his fish to be and paint or color the entire bag in those colors. You can choose a solid like a goldfish, or use your imagination with swirls of various colors and designs.

After the body is dry, stuff the bag with newspaper, stopping about three inches below the top of the bag. Twist the top or the bag and spread it out to form the tail. Cut out eyes and fins, and glue to the fish. Hint: Use these for a group project, stapled to large blue paper (to which waves have been painted) to make an aquarium bulletin board. Add paper seaweed, shells, bubbles, and other sea creatures, to complete your aquarium. For added interest, include a buried treasure chest overflowing with gems. (Use construction paper, glue, and glitter for the chest!)
~emazing.com (elkayem)

Supplies needed:
1 sheet of construction paper (any color)
Hole puncher
Scraps of construction paper (various colors)
Glue, or child's hand-held glue stick (not glue gun)

Let your child have fun punching out holes in the construction paper scraps. (He will need a lot of punched out dots to complete his picture.) Then suggest that he first lightly draw a picture with a pencil. Next, he's ready to begin filling in the shapes with the colored dots, gluing the dots into place until the picture is complete. (It will be easier to place the glue on the paper and stick the dots onto it than the reverse. You do want your child to finish the picture this year!) Smaller children can fill in a coloring book page with their colorful dots. For a pretty winter scene, let them glue white dots on dark blue construction paper.

Supplies Needed:
1 Sheet of art paper
Waxed paper
Roll of twine
Scotch Tape

Draw a picture using lots of curved lines, perhaps a bird, an ornament, or a turkey. Use a pencil and draw lines that form designs within your drawing. Next, tape waxed paper over your picture. Lay out the dry string pieces to fit your design, cutting where needed. Make sure the strings are touching other strings. Now dip your strings into glue until they are saturated. Trace the lines of your picture with the wet strings until you have covered the entire pencil drawing; then let the strings dry completely. Finish your artwork by removing the string construction from the waxed paper.

Supplies needed:
Construction paper
Various colors of tissue paper (bright colors look best)
Scotch tape

Cut out various holiday decorations, such as large Christmas Trees, Ornaments, Bells etc. from the construction paper. (Crosses and stained glass windows in black look pretty also.) You can choose from several themes, such as fall trees or large flowers on stems. After you've cut the shape you want, fold it in half and start cutting out designs. Make your piece as intricate as you want. When you're finished cutting the designs, open the decoration and lay it flat. Now begin to glue different colors of tissue paper to one side of your design until all the open areas are covered by the tissue paper pieces. Tape your decoration to a sunny window and let the pretty colors shine through.
-emazing.com (elkayem)

Supplies Needed:
Large sheet of art paper (various colors)
Thin Tempera paint (Brown)
Paint brush (Wide)
Soda straws
Crayons and/or construction paper (red, yellow, orange, brown, and scraps)
Glue and scissors

To make fall trees, load the brush with brown paint and make large strokes to form tree trunks. Next, at the top of the trunks, place a pool of watery brown paint. Now take the straw and gently blow in different directions against the pool of paint. The tree branches will begin to emerge. Add more paint to the pool if needed. Let the painting dry. Use crayons to color in leaves on the trees, or use cut paper for leaves.
Include some leaves blowing in the wind and  falling into piles on the ground. You can also add some characters happily jumping in the leaves.
~emazing (lisa)

Supplies Needed:
Thin tempera paint (various colors) or watercolors
Soda straws
White art paper

With your brush, place several pools of various colors of paint around your paper. Next, with your straw, blow designs from each pool of paint. Overlap and blend the colors for a different look. For cool colors, choose blues and greens. For a more vibrant look, choose red and orange and yellow. When your picture is dry, add more details if you like.

Just a thought when doing this with younger children try cutting some holes or slits in the straw. The kids can still blow out but will help prevent sucking in paint if they suck instead of blowing!! We used to do this in preschool!!

Supplies Needed:
Course black thread for whiskers (6)
Tacky glue
Wiggle eyes

For cat or dog earmuffs, cut two ears from felt, (triangles for cat ears, thumb-shaped felt for dog ears). On one side of the earmuff, glue the felt ears, wiggle eyes, and the tiny black nose to make a face. Next, glue the two bigger pom-poms under the nose side by side, touching each other. To finish, glue the whiskers beneath the tiny black nose. Complete the look (if desired) with a small ribbon bow glued beneath the larger pom-poms. Repeat all the steps for the other side of the earmuffs.


Supplies needed:
Old magazines
Plastic string (various colors)

Here is a simple way to make colorful beads that can be strung onto plastic string. From the magazine pages, cut triangle shapes about two  inches wide by three inches long. (To speed things along, cut several pages at once.) Have the child lay the pencil horizontally on the wide end of the triangle. Now begin to snugly wrap the paper around the pencil, ending with the pointed end of the triangle. Under the tip of the triangle, put a dot of glue and hold it closed for a count of 20. Now gently slide the bead off the end of the pencil. When you've made as many beads as you want, string them onto the plastic string, and double knot. Place a few plastic beads between the paper beads for more interest, if you like.

Recipe for Salt Clay
Ingredients needed:
1 cup salt
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup boiling water
A sprinkle of powdered paint, if desired,
Plastic string (find at craft store)

(This dough is very good for making small ornaments and beads.) Simply mix ingredients well and store dough in a plastic bag to keep moist. You can ream out holes in the beads using a toothpick. To strengthen larger pieces, stick a toothpick into the clay while you're modeling. Use bright colors to paint the ornaments, then let them dry. Thread necklace and bracelet beads onto the plastic string. Let your child display her works of art in her room, perhaps on a small knickknack shelf.


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