Paula's Genealogy Place
Please click on the underlined surname of your choice to see where they are in my family tree!
AlexanderArmstrongAshbey Baker, Ball,
Buckalew, Burton, D'Alessandro, DobranskyDrust,   DrusezFechoGilbertGoochHlatkyHendricks,   Hinton,  Hresko,  HrubovcakKennedyLoudenslagerMatejMatti, MattyMatyiMayfieldMillerMoore,   Morris, Naylor, PopelasPostlePostlethwait, PostlethwaiteRosputinskoScurekSeesShaneStreight,   Tucker
NOTE: All of these surnames are in my direct line.  I have very little information on the branches of these Surnames.  All the information in my family tree is to the best of my knowledge.  I do however, have source documents and records going back several generations.