The Desrosiers Family Album
Welcome to our family album.  My name is Candy...alias mommybear2 as I am known on the internet gaming zone; or the zone as we affectionately call it.  Besides cribbage and chatting in the zone, I enjoy writing poetry, sewing,reading romance novels, and watching John Wayne movies with my husband.  Now I would like to introduce you to my favorite people in the whole family.  As folks used to say in Missouri, where I come from,  "Y'all come on in and visit awhile".
If you like games,hop in the taxi for a ride to the internet gaming zone.
Our Wedding Day...January 14, 1989
This is me and my hubby, Phil.  I am 40 and
  he is 37 and yes, I am a cradle robber.........
  as is the running joke in our family.
It's been almost  fifteen years now and though it's not  always been easy, it has surely been bliss.
We live in a small town in northeastern
Pa.   And when I say small, I mean one
stoplight, blink and you'll miss it kind of
small.  We love it though.
The kids can walk almost anywhere
they want to go and the people are so
very friendly.  It's comforting to know
you can walk at night and not worry.
My favorite thing about Weatherly, though,
is the scenery.  The fall foliage is breath-
Tara-2000-2001 Senior year
Tara is 20 now and is devoting her time to selling Avon and keeping things running smoothly in her new apartment. .  She also plays the flute and helps us with scouting events when she is in town.
She likes video games, writing, and playing cribbage on the zone.Her alias is tarabear2.
Phillip Jr. 2001-2002 6th grade
Phillip  is also a steelers fan and flyers fan...just like dad.
He plays  basketball, baseball, and is in the local Boy Scout Troop.  He is in 7th grade now but no school pictures  yet.
He likes video games and  playing cribbage on the
zone...just like the rest of us.  His alias is phillipbear2.
Are you beginning to feel like you are in a fairy tale?
Now all we need is Goldilocks.  Oops!  There she is now.
Our third child,Blackie, is a 14  year old collie-cocker spaniel mix who thinks he is still a puppy. He is spoiled rotten, of course, but he does not play cribbage.
Well, hopefully you've had fun on your little tour of the Desrosiers Family Album and
you've learned a little about this motley crew.   Visit our other
PAGES on this site and Please sign our guestbook  before you leave.  Email us anytime.   "Y'all come back now. Ya hear."
email us
Click on the Bear!
Click on the teddy bears for great New Year  ideas, fun crafts, and fun facts.
Click on Garfiield
Click on the angel to see adorable handicrafts!
(Right) And this is us now.  This was taken Thanksgiving 1999---->
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Here I am again with our children.  We are all a little older but still look pretty much the least I do.  The kids,of course, have grown a mile in five  years..
<--------That was then....1996

This is my favorite.  Myself and Tara at her senior photo session October 2000
Phil is a Steelers and Flyers fan and likes to play cribbage on the zone. He  is a Cub Scout Den Leader (Webelos), and the Scout Master for the Boy Scout Troop in town.  His alias on game zone is daddybear2.
This is my hubby--Phil,Sr.