Jollett Hollar

Welcome to Jollett Hollar, a site dedicated to preserving information about the JOLLETT family line. Since the Jollett name is rather unusual and seemingly near extinction, (it's not like Johnson or Smith, for heaven's sake!), this might be a task we can handle.

We are two sisters --Wendy and Mary Jollette-- equipped with two computers, a genealogy program, and a desire to make this site a living memorial to our JOLLETT ancestors.

We have traced our line to the mid-1700's when James JOLLETT and Nancy WALKER arrived in Orange County, Virginia, apparently by spaceship or by spontaneous combustion. Seriously, we believe the Jolletts came here from France by way of Canada, but alas, we have no proof --YET. We continue our search. If you have information about the JOLLETT line to contribute, please run, don't walk, to your nearest computer and e-mail one of us with the good news.


To our great aunt Violetta Davis Ryan who was so proud of her Jollett family and who delighted in telling the family stories.

To our mother Mary Eleanor Davis Slade who said, "Girls, we need to get moving on this genealogy stuff."


We extend a special thanks to our half fourth cousin Cathy Hecker of Ohio who did so much of the footwork gathering information and documents about the Jolletts long before there were computers and websites.

What's New Family Charts
Jollett Hollar Geography Jollett Obituaries
Unidentified Jolletts Jollett Wills
Jollett Deeds Other Documents
Maps Jollett Photos
Jollett Cemetery Links

This page was created September 3, 1998.
This page was updated on January 11, 2008.

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