Red Charmer's Homepage

Aloha!!! - - - Welcome!!! - - -

As of April 6, 1998, this is a


Updated 01/21/03

I've put up a holiday page!

Special Note!! If you are intrigued by redheads don't miss the the RED WEB RING link on my new Web Rings page!

Please take time to visit LOTH. This is a very special place.

I am a proud member of Ladies of the Heart!

If you've visited before, welcome back! If this is your first visit, take your time! Oh okay, if you are really in a rush click this spot to jump to the list of pages, but you really should slow down and enjoy your journeys a bit more and don't forget to have some fun along the way! (smile)

My name is Carol....Aloha from Hawai'i. My adopted home state is a wonderful place to live and I just can't help but brag. So....come on in (E Komo Mai!) for a visit If you have a healthy curiosity (or just a touch of homesickness) then check the links I've added! These folks are just great! Imagine, they saved me all that work.

As a widow, I've learned many new skills and discovered that I love computers. I'm considered a whiz with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. I've taught myself html (with a little help from folks on the web) and now I'm learning java as I go (*S*), if you spot any glaring problems please let me know.

Keep going! Bookmark this page to come back and if you like what you've seen send me an email. This page is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer so you can enjoy the animations.

I truly wish I could make this site load super fast, and look very simple, but I find that is not possible. Sorry, I guess it's a redhead thing. I want to share all the wonderful, or important, or fun things I find with everyone! Don't send any nasty emails, I'm well aware that your priorities may be quite different from mine. That diversity is the wonderful thing about the internet. I guess it's not a lot different from having you visit my "real-time" home. Don't forget to sign the guestbook before you retrieve your slippers, I want to be able to return the visit!

It's really free!

My Real Hawai'i
I've made a page for local Hawai'ian items only. Here you'll find places, people and my other local favorites. (Do check this page and the wonderful lava applet!) June 11th is a state holiday in Hawaii, click here to find out why.

I decided to become an associate of Amazon books.

One of the most important things you can do to help your children is to encourage them to read. Read to them, read with them, let them read to you. The easiest way to get them interested is to let them see you reading! When they want your attention, even if you are only reading the television listings, tell them you'll be with them as soon as you finish the paragraph. Reading was an escape route in my childhood and it opened up worlds I never dreamed existed. Yes, I love technology and I'm addicted to my computer...but guess how I learned! Books!!!

Please be patient, I'm in the process of redoing the site. While I'm working on it I still need to share the important things I find and this next link is very important. 8 Things You Must Know. The best new ways to protect yourself from breast cancer. Is this frightening disease striking more of us in our thirties — and even twenties? Visit to learn the truth behind the scary headlines — and the best new ways to protect yourself.

Breast Cancer Awareness

People of the Web Empowering and Respecting

I've added a page for anyone in need of resources for handling the loss of a loved one. No fancy graphics, just some starting points for you.

If you haven't visited my second webrings page I guess you'll just have to.....
Kiss my Attitude
Hey! none of that, it's not what you think!

Visit some of my new friends at the Realm of the Redheads!

Realm of the Redheads

I love soups, so when I found these on the net I just had to try them. I'm hooked! I tried the free sampler and these are delicious! The portions are very generous and so simple and easy to fix! (Perfect for someone like me...I gave up cooking as a bad habit! LOL!) Not only are the soups terrific but they have spice mixtures as well and a support staff that can't be outdone!

Visit PAWS and read their mission statement.
This organization is a special cause of a very special person.

I've also been adopted by my daughter's guinea pigs! They are the cutest creatures and very easy to take care of. I've started a page just for them.

If you do plan a vacation in Hawai'i, one of our (two) local newspapers has put together a list of activities, tours and attractions of local interest. Walking tours, story tours of downtown areas, local ghost story tours, etc. Visit the Star-Bulletin page. They also have links to the local daily news and features.

Surfers! This one is for you. The surf is almost always awesome during the winter months and this award winning page has links to just about anything you could possibly be looking for! I had to put this here! The younger folks kept asking and to be honest, since I don't surf, I didn't have a clue...but the person who made this site sure does!

If you've gotten this far I'll assume you've enjoyed the fun stuff enough to allow me a few words on the more important issues, family violence and child abuse. If you know or suspect that a friend or relative is suffering from abuse then please check these locations! There is help available and these locations provide some great resources. Everyone deserves to be loved and cherished.

Each of us needs to resolve to do all we can to promote safe and healthy relationships and maybe we won't see so many of those horrible headlines.

"Please help to support the "Adopt A Guardian Angel" Program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!-Thank you for your support!"
Children Are Worth Saving Web Site

CyberCop Complaint Center Click Here to Report 
Consumer Abuse on the Net.

If we are aware consumers in our day to day life then we need to train ourselves to be just as aware online. Just because a company has a site or is a provider is no guarantee of honorable activity. It's up to each of us to help ourselves and our community.

  You are visitor number:

since 11/20/97

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld

(I don't like to beg, it's simply not a thing redheads do! I know you've probably seen the guestbooks before but perhaps the others didn't tell you why you should sign. Yes, I do have a counter..but that only shows a number. The guestbook shows me the nice people that make up those numbers, so please sign the darn guestbook! !)

Guestworld has been very reliable but if you can't get to that one, then please use my Geocities guestbook:
Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Be a kid again! Ride the rail and have a great trip!

The Rail

AwardsAwards Awards2Awards2

Awards3Awards3 Awards4Awards4 Awards5Awards5 Awards6Awards6

I won awards! WOW!
Please take a peek. They are nicely designed and linked to their fun sites (translation: talented and creative!).

I have been honored with some very special gifts!
My heartfelt thanks to those who have honored me, they are beautiful!

I hope you've enjoyed your visit! Come back often since I'm constantly finding more marvelous places to add! If you have any comments, suggestions or questions please send

OR If you're searching for something special in Hawai'i:

Search Hawai'i!


2002 and I turned how old this year??? (good grief!). In that span of years I've formed opinions on a few subjects. You may not agree, but take a moment to may find something to get involved with or at least something to have a little fun with!  - so....

on to page 2!

(but don't miss the goodies below)

By the way..if you are tired (sigh) of constantly typing in that lo-o-ong URL, you might want to try the marvelous new "toy" I found!

I am a proud member of
HTML Writer's Guild

USA Online

The views and content and design idea applications of this site belong to the author, copyright 1997-2002. Every effort is made to credit the artists who have so graciously allowed the use of their work on this site. If you find a mistake has been made in this process please email the webmistress with the information. This site is checked regularly for missing/broken or relocated links. If you know of a URL change please let me know.

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