
I just found that I have such a gallery for my school time pictures


Though I stayed in Taipei for only 3days, there are a lot of memories and feelings in it.
I was a bit low when heading to the airport to leave this city. Its the same feeling when I was leaving Sydney to Hong Kong.
Besides the sensations, there is another memorable thing happened. The taxi driver who drove me to the airport gave me a pack of his favorite tea-bags. It does not quite make sense to me as I used to quarrel with taxi drivers for "driving me around the garden". But this taxi driver really proves the natural kindness of the Taipei people.
The trip really triggers off my thinking of a lot of things.


Those who hangs around with me should know, lately I am crazy with bowling.
But at this moment I am struggling @ somewhere below 100 (though I occasionally hit above 100).
Despite my ugly result, there is a lot to learn from this game.
I am eager to do all those beautiful strikes and spares but very often end up being the gutter's best friend. As a hot-tempered person, I try so hard not to release my anger and despair to my friends (sometimes I fail though).
So it's like an EQ training to me.

To keep the ball away from gutter, I browse thru the web and found one website which contains a lot of videos. There is quote section where you will find things beyond bowling.
There are couple of them I like to share:
"Remember that failure is an event, not a person"
"There is no I in the word team"
You can find more from:
Bowling in Northern Ireland


Besides Li Ka Shing who I really admire, out of all those celebrities, I love George Soros so much.

Most of his books are either too sophisticated or just out of my interest so I dont really ready.

However, you can learn what kind of person he is by what he has done to the world. Yes, to the world, not only to himself, or his family, or his country but to the world.

He excels himself from a money making machine to a developer of tomorrow's world.

He differentiates himself from the crowd of billionaires not by his money but by his attitude and his focus on what don't matter to the majority.

There are more than enough information about his work from http://www.soros.org


During the first couple of years in working life, I was dreaming of what to do on Saturday and Sunday. I was seeking a way to get myself wealthy enough to quit working and relax for the rest of life.

Somehow now working seems to be what cannot be let go. Whats a better thing to kill time? I tried doing a master, but come on, all those with their brain rotten who aint even willing to photocopy the notes for the class and also for themselves. I rather lose a master degree than to be aligned with these people.

If you are good, you are good. A degree is a pair of sport shoes helping the player to run and dodge faster, but after all its the player him/herself makes a good player.

MJ can still dunk on our face even with "white rice fish".


Jill Carroll has been released. Thanks for all those who put effort on her release. The kidnappers dont seem to be too bad indeed based on Jill's information. :-)


If I am allowed to keep one thing with me when leaving this world. I'll choose music.


I just found a band "Jazz Guitar Gala at the Crow" from Soundclick. All those shared there are live performance and you can sometimes hear the audience reaction. Good Stuff.


Soundclick is a place I discovered one night when I was really sick @ work but still have to carry on. It's a great place to find some good music from all genres. I downloaded the whole collection of "Conan and the Barbarians" songs and I didn't steal anything. It's legal to download the songs shared in this site. Okay, it's definitely not a place if you are looking for "names" you know as they are all not belonged to the famous artists category. Anyway, it's a place for just good music not celebrities. You can see some interviews with the artists there. It's quite interesting reading their opinions on the music industry in the internet age or better described as "mp3 age".


Dana Reeve dies of lung cancer?


Photos taken from Nanjing Massacre


A very comprehensive website about Nanjing Massacre


Can we communicate without seeing each other, without telephones, without the internet, without writing letters, without talking, without body languages, without gestures, without the LV handbags, without the Mercedes you are driving, without the jobs we work for,without any invention from human beings? Can we communicate by feeling each other's existence in the universe? 

Perhaps we can fall in love forever this way too.


"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." - Fight Club (novel by Chuck Palahniuk: 1996; movie by David Fincher: 1999)

"If time has no end and so do our soul,  everything in this world becomes meaningless, only our mind (soul) means everything to us" - Drifter (BS from everyday life: 2005)

Some might think I never reveal the true side of myself. So here comes with sth that I think does represent some of my beliefs in life.



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Thanks for this open source software called Nvu. Hadn't there is such an invention, I would not be able to do my homepage without pirate software.

Document made with Nvu


I have abandoned this page quite a while.

Since year 2000 or even earlier, every time I have some feelings in my heart, which I have no one to reveal to, I will update my homepage.

So I think now I will treat this homepage as my exclusive listener (to fulfill my splited personality).

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For any opinions, please contact me by: roysh913@hotmail.com

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