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Hope you will stay a while and visit

Hi, welcome to my home away from home. I hope you will get yourself a drink and get comfortable. The following pages will tell you not only about my family and my Norwegian heritage but I have a ton of links for you on graphics, midis, fun places for kids (see Anthony's Page), virtual cards, virtual food to send people, tons of links to help you build your own home page, Webrings and more. So, please sit back and enjoy.

I hope when you are finished visiting my site, that you will sign my dreambook and let me know what you think of what I have done and perhaps go to the top of any of my pages and on the geoguide, press "rank my site."

Please take note: Most of the images and backgrounds on my pages are copyrighted. I have given them credit on my Links Page 1. Please do not take these graphics or backgrounds without permission. Instead, please visit their wonderful sites. Thank you.


About Me and My Family

My Norwegian Heritage (includes tons of links to Norwegian things)

About My Daughter, Bridget

About My Son, Anthony (includes lots of links to sites for kids)

Page 1 of My Links (Links to Parent Chatters' Pages, Links to sites of the graphics, etc. that I used, Links to Graphics and Music Sites)

Page 2 of My Links (Home Page Help, Virtual Gifts, Beanie Baby Sites, New Age Sites and Recipe Sites)

Page 3 of My Links (Loads of Fun Sites)

Links for WebTV

More Of My Webrings

Awards and Gifts Given to Me

This is so kewl to be given this award I just had to put it on my main page. Thanks Stewart!!!! :-)


Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

© 1998 manona04@yahoo. com

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