
To Serve or To be Served.
Please read the Devotional page first. Thanks.


There are people out there passing around letters claiming that I wrote it and is inciting the congregation to do something bad, I categorally deny having anything to do with it nor do I endorse any of it. Please let me know if any of you hear or see any of this, I would greatly appreciate it . Thanks.

What does this mean?
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Smile!! God Loves You!!

There is an editorial about prayer for the church contributed to me by a concerned pastor that I had hoped to put up and planned to run for 2 weeks, but I was "requested" to refrain from writing any editorials for awhile.  I hope and pray that at the latest I will be back by December. That I promise all of you. Please stay tuned on December 6, I will start putting up editorials once again. Pray hard.  Let us be on God's side.  I leave you all with  a passage from the word of God and hope it will be our guiding principle in life. Proverbs 19:21  Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. May God's will previal above all ours in our life. Take care and see you all December 6.

We are at our strongest when we are on our knees praying to the Lord.

Disclaimer: The contents of the editorial are strictly my personal view (unless specified). Therefore I take sole responsibility for all of it.