Kathi's Garden

Hello...and welcome to my little home on the web! I manage a webpage for my church ward (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and am now presenting that link! Let me know what you think.

I've included a family page, a humor section, and my adoption/reunion story. I created an email list called "High Places" which sent out weekly uplifting messages. However, because of recent changes in my life (ie, birth of twins), I am unable to maintain the list. I may try to reorganize the list at some later date, but for now, it has been suspended.

The "insights" section is provided to give you something to ponder. My goal for this webpage has always been to be a source of enlightenment. I want to both inspire you and make you think. *Kathi*

2000 Theme: Values

Values: A monthly focus
The most precious gift
Insights' Archives
My testimony

The Book Nook
Humor Haven
The Johnson Journals: a family page **Updated 7/30/00**
Quotes to nurture the spirit. Go to pages 1-2-3



I'm at ICQ# 22079935

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