


Hi and Welcome to my second homepage on the web.
It's taken me many hours and lots of typing. But I now have 54 categories of recipes. There are lots of different and tasty ones to choose from in most of the categories so far. I've been a bit lazy adding more recipes, but over the next few weeks I plan to be busy typing away once more. :-)
Now that I'm done giving all the pages a facelift, I will be busy adding more recipes to all categories. I hope you enjoy the new look. Drop by often to see what's new. Oh and you can always drop by my other page for a visit.
In the meantime...Have a great day or evening, whichever the case may be. Bu'bye for now....Angel


Appetizers Asian Barbecue
Beans-Cereal Beef-Veal Beverages
Breads-Machine Breads-Muffins Breads-Pancakes
Breads-Quick Breads-Yeast Brunches
Cakes Chocolate-Cakes Cakes-Icing
Candy Casseroles Chili
Cookies Cookies-Bar Crockpot
Desserts-Cheesecake Desserts-Misc Desserts-Pudding
Dips Dumplings Eggs-Dairy
Ethnic Fish Fruits
German Indian Jewish
Lowfat-Cooking Marinades Mexican
Main-Courses Pasta Pasta-Sauces
Pastries-Pies Pizza Polish
Pork Salad-Dressings Salads
Salsa Sandwiches Sauces
Sauces-BBQ Shellfish Snacks
Soups Vegetables Vegetarian
Webrings My Sweeties Page My Romantic Poetry Pages

updatedOctober 20/2006


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