My research with the Meek family reaches back to Richhill, County Armagh, Ireland in the early 1800's where James Meek and his wife Margaret (Smith) Meek, left with their family for the United States. They lived for a time in Green County, Dayton, Ohio, where some of their children were born. A move to Ontario brought them near Brampton but later moved to the Orangeville area where James homesteaded in Mono Township, Dufferin County until he died in 1876. The original homestead was built near the source of the Humber River. His son, James II, built a new home close to the road and carried on with the farm. The second house is still owned by a descendent, John J. Meek. I was fortunate to visit his farm and found it a charming place. The original house of James 2nd still stands but John has added to it, keeping it both original but with a "modern" touch.

Another descendent, Lieutenant Colonel John F. Meek, Ret'd, living in the Orangeville area also shared genealogy material with me including three rare photographs of James Meek and his wife Margaret. John holds the copyright for these photographs and I am grateful to him for both sharing the photographs and the hospitality both him and his wife showed me during my visit.

Two other brothers, Robert and John, settled in the town of Alton just south of Orangeville. John is credited with naming the town. He ran a hotel and general store including a post office. Robert, my great grandfather started a feed and grain mill operation located on the north-west corner of the main crossroads of the Village. He was also a merchant.

Over the years, many mills were built along the river, some that the Meek's were connected with. A few of the structures still stand.

Again, many thanks to Lieutenant Colonel John F. Meek, Ret'd, and to John J. Meek for the source of this information.

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