Southampton Township

5735 Chaneysville Road
Clearville, Pa. 15535

Karen Cregger, chair & secretary
Donnie Swope Jr., roadmaster foreman
Ralph Molovich

~~~Township meetings~~~
1st Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:30pm
in the Chaneysville Senior Citizen Center

Most of the following information was taken from our township's newletters:

~~~Newsletter's goal~~~
To create better communication throughout the Township.

Our Equipment

The following equipment is used to take care of our 39 miles of township roads:
International F966 Boom Mower with Loader
Huber T58H Roller
'92 Champion 720A Grader with Plow
'75 Case 580 Loader/Backhoe
'86 GMC Dump Truck (blue)with Plow & Spreader
'96 Ford F350 Dump Truck (red)with Plow & Spreader
'96 John Deere Skid Steer Loader 6675
'00 Ford F550 Dump Truck (red)with Plow & Spreader


If your real estate taxes are $1,000@ year,
$829 goes to the Everett Area School District,
$146 goes to Bedford County,
and $25 goes to Southampton Township.

In 1999 the total real estate tax income for our township was $12,674.

Road Name Signs

Our supervisors have applied and received grant money from the state to purchase road signs. Whenever an emergency arises these signs will let fire and ambulance services find us quicker. If you know of any missing signs please report it to one of the supervisors, after all they are here for our safety and they were purchased with our PA. State taxes.

Building Permits

Building permits are required in our township. You'll need to get one if you're adding a room, deck, patio or shed, or do any remodeling over $1,000 in value. If you build a new home or move in a trailer you'll also need a sewage permit as required by the State of Pa.

Leadership Award

In September,Karen Cregger was one of 300 recipients of a national leadership award from Walmart. She was recognized in Washington, D.C., for the work she did cleaning up Town Creek in 1997 after the flood of 1996. There were 4000 tires, a house trailer, and much debris over a 4-mile stretch of Town Creek, Karen organized several groups of Boy Scouts to clean up the creek, recycle the the tires and metal, and dispose of the garbage and litter. As a result of this award, the township was given $1,000 for its general fund.

Flintstone Creek

Donnie Swope, Jr. has started a committee to clean up Flintstone Creek, to make it a high quality stream with fish and wildlife. Over the next year the creek will need monitored...any volunteers???


That is the term PennDOT uses for "exchanging services". This year the township will trim trees, clean culverts and mow along state roads in return the state will pave Town Creek Road. Because we only swap services with the state, the township has to pay for the materials. Our supervisors applied to the county for financial aid on this project, and received $10,000 to help pay for the oil and stone.
Also, in the process of refurbishing the Hewitt Covered Bridge, the contractor ruined part of Town Creek and Covered Bridge Road. Once again our supervisors was able to get $30,000 in damages to repair that section of the road.