We must have our family prepared for all types of emergencies, from just being without electricity for a few days to that unimaginable disaster!

Choose an "out of the area" phone number for your family to call to check in if anyone is seperated. Then pack the following...

* Water (1 gallon per person per day)

* Food (ready to eat, non-perishable)

* Can opener

* Cups, plates, utensils

* Flashlight & extra batteries

* Battery powered radio

* Matches/ candles

* Pliers

* Blankets/sleeping bags

* Change of clothes

* Toilet paper/paper towels/kleenex

* Toothbrushes/toothpaste/soap/shampoo/deodorant

* Brush/ Comb/ feminine supplies/ baby needs

* Tablet/ pen/ entertainment items (books, puzzles, etc.)

* First Aid Kit

* Medications (prescription and over-the-counter)

* Family health records

* Emergency contact numbers

All kits should be personalized to your family needs, pack & store in a way that can be easily transported if needed.


Add vet records and photos of your pet(s) to your "to go kit", if they end up in a shelter, you'll be able to prove they are yours. Also put that "out of the area" phone number on their ID, then you'll know your pet has been found too.