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My name is Angie and I lost a child to SIDS(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Jeffrey was my 2nd baby born,and my 1st to lose.Im still trying to cope with the pain that i bear.I have 2 other children,they speak of him often.I make it a point to have them remember him.My daughter was born 2 years after he passed.she also speaks of him like he is still here and that makes me feel good.Sometimes I feel alone with this pain,but I know that there are many who understand me and there will come a day Jeffrey and I will meet again.Until that day I pray for me for the pain to ease because I know that he is very happy with Jesus Christ.
love you JEFFREY

my interest is trying to help others deal with infant loss.

I am married with 3 children.I pray everyday and thank God for what He has given me .