Last updated February 19, 2002

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I  thought after 3 years is it was time for an updated look so here it is.  I hope you like it.

So much has happened over the last year or two, our family of 3 became a family of 4 with the addition of our son Walker in July 2000.  Alexandra has started school, ok it's only Preschool but in her mind school is school and that makes her a big grown up girl of 4 now! Martin has featured in a National Geographic TV show (First Wave) and The Crossing is continuing for another 4 years.   Me?  I've become a full time Mum and am loving every minute of it.

If you're just stopping in for the first time, Welcome, please feel free to look around and I hope you enjoy your visit.  For those of you who just can't get enough I've added some new pages, kids photos etc, which you can find from the Album page down below.  

Take care,


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3 becomes 4

Walker Mark Daly - July 27, 2000

3 becomes 4

Three becomes four - Announcement Page

The Crossing

Well Martin finally made it back home for a while and now is off again on Indies Trader II for the first couple of surf charters.  The Crossing has been going really well, please have a look and see what it's all about.

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Proud To Be A Heartland Hallmark Site Heartland Select