The Cheats page
Welcome To The Cheats Page

In this page are codes for games that I got from all over the web. Feel free to take them as you please. There for your use.

On the left would be the code on the right would be what it does

______________________________________________________ Duke Nukem 3D

dncornholio-------turns on/off god mode

dnclip-------turns clipping mode on/off

dnstuff-------gives all weapons

dnkroz-------turns on/off god mode (also)

dnscotty##---------warp to episode #, level#

dnitems--------gives all items

dnrate------displays the frame rate



dncashman---------drops money when you hit space bar

dncosmo---------register cosmo message

dnskill#--------changes skill level to #

dnmonsters----------makes monsters disappear when you get close

dnbeta--------pirates suck message

dncoords---------prints your coordinates in the top corner

dnshowmap---------shows entire map

dnkeys-------gives you all the keys

dninventory----------gives you everything in the inventory

Doom II
iddqd--------god mode

idkfa--------all weapons and keys

idclip------walk through walls



(when typing code in game don't type the...)

..........a----all map

..........l----light enhance


..........s----berserk mode

..........r----radiation suit


iddt(typed once)-----all map(be sure to be inside the map before typing)

iddt(typed twice)--------all monsters(be sure to be inside the map before typing)


quicken------god mode

rambo-------all weapons

ravskel-------all keys

gimme---------all artifacts

ravmap------all map

kitty------walk through walls


iddqd--------god mode

idkfa--------all weapons and keys



(when typing code in game don't type the...)

..........a----all map

..........l----light enhance


..........s----berserk mode

..........r----radiation suit


iddt(typed once)-----all map(be sure to be inside the map before typing)

iddt(typed twice)--------all monsters(be sure to be inside the map before typing)


idspispopd-----walk through walls

Deer Hunter

(these were the only cheats found in the game)

dhbambi - Shows the deer on the map

dhdoeinheat - Makes the deer friendly

dhstealth - Jump around the map

To use these cheats type them in at the overhead map screen

Deer Hunter II

Just like the original Deer Hunter, DH2 has some codes that make the hunt easier. But your Trophies will be tainted in your Trophy Room. You wouldn't want to do that, would you? In the Hunt View, press F2. A command window will appear at the top of the screen. Type in the code, then press Enter. Now press F2 again to get back.

dh2tracker - See where all the deer are on the map and gps.

dh2friday13 - Shows extra blood when the deer is hit.

dh2swig - This stops the weapon from wobbling

dh2baddream - Bullets are really slow

dh2magicbullet - Bullet goes straight with camera

dh2shoedeal - Hunter never gives out of breath.

dh2weatherstop - Stops the rain and snow.

dh2showsights - Shows the weapons sight status.

dh2bandolier - Bullets do something funny

dh2shoot - Sets you up for a shot at the first deer near you (be ready)!

dh2deadeye - Looks as if the camera was on the arrow. dh2honey - Makes deer fall in love with you (your screen could get crowded) dh2circle - Puts you right on the deers butt

dh2sightin - Sights-in your weapon without Target Range.

dh2wright - Want to see the deer as in a plane?

dh2doolittle - Deer are stupid

camera set deer1 - DeerCam! The number is for different deer.

camera set player - Look through the hunter's eyes. (use this to unset the code above)

dh2flash - Makes you run very fast.

dh2supaflash - Makes you run very fast like the Bionic Man.

dh2thunder - Makes it thunder.

dh2bulletcam - For bullet weapons; view follows the bullet.

dh2rain - Makes it rain.

dh2snow - Makes it snow.

camera set fox1 - FoxCam! The number is for different foxes(?)

camera set crow1 - CrowCam! The number is for different crows

dh2blizzard - Cycles weather more quickly.

dh2supatracker - Shows where animals are at on the map.

dh2caddyshack - Walk around in the target range (can only be done in the target range)

dh2sidewind - Causes player to only walk toward a deer

dh2deerzilla - Giant deer. Although when put in the trophy room its a normal deer

Just repeat the process to turn the cheats off. (But rememberthat even if you turn off the cheats, any deer taken during a hunt in which you've used cheats will be marked as such.)

Deer Hunter III

In the Hunt View, press F2. A command window will appear at the top of the screen. Type in the code, then press Enter. Now press F2 again to get back.

dh3find this brings you to the nearest animal

dh3nofear animals are unafraid of you

dh3beacon makes you irresistible to animals

dh3sightin sights in your gun

Thats all I have for now!

Sim Farm Cheats coming soon

By the way for all of the superstitius people.. I got permission to use these cheats and music on here ok? So no need to make a fuss about it.