Here you will find our photo memories from when we were married right until today. Most are made of collages (a lot of photo's put together) . Have fun and enjoy a wonderfull time with us. For photos that is just beautifull click  [HERE]

Watch with us as our new home is being built!!!new.gif (116 bytes)

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1 Cape Town, South Africa
2 Neethlingshof wineries , South Africa
3 Diving Sodwana - you have to experience it at least once!
4 A Hobo party to remember
5 A Hobo party .... the next day

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1 An American Medley
2 Corpus Christi - Texas - what a vacation! - page 1
3 Corpis Christi - Texas - what a vacation! -  page 2
4 Texas - Ronel goes horseriding, Duan  played ghitaar & Dirk enjoyed the riverwalk
5 Halloween of 98! Come join in the fun if you dare....
6 Halloween of 98! another tribute
7 Our first experience of Snow

There will be even more to come