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Shadoe and Friends

This site is dedicated to all the Manchester Terrier pets, Toy and Standard. Much has been written and advertised about the Show Champions of the breed to whom the pet owners owe a great deal. That being said, I have yet to meet a pet Manchester Terrier that was not a Champion in it's own right. If you are not familiar with the breed, check out the links below.

How it all started at our house

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By looking at this picture you might say I could be any one of a number of breeds.

Well, I just happen to be a Toy Manchester Terrier.

The best breed in the whole world according to my humans.

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It didn't take long for my humans to realize I was pretty smart and had a lot of energy, and that they had better find some activities for me to get involved in. Mom had heard of Flyball and seen a bit of it on TV. So she got on the net and found all kinds of neat stuff. Then she discovered Dog Agility. So from then on it was tennis balls, hurdles, flyball box, and all kinds of Agility obstacles. You must remember that I live in a part of the country where few, if any, people had even heard of these neat Dogsports. So after Mom and Dad had acquired a collection of books, videos, and information off the net, Dad took hammer and saw in hand and built me all the 'toys' I needed to change their lives forever.

So if you will come with me, I'll show you what has happened in the last couple of years.

Take me to:

tenball.gif - 5.26 KMeet my Family
tenball.gif - 5.26 KShadoe's Playmates & Friends

Manchester Terriers in Dog Performance Sports
tenball.gif - 5.26 KDog Agility

tenball.gif - 5.26 KFlyball

Excellent Manchester Terrier Sites to Visit
tenball.gif - 5.26 K Manchester Terriers

tenball.gif - 5.26 K Toy Manchester Terriers as Pets

*A must visit!

Here's a great site:
Mary Jo Sminkey's

tenball.gif - 5.26 K **** THE DOGPATCH ****

(Everything you ever wanted to know about dogs)

Sign Shadoe's Guest Book

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