Here comes the Barnacle! Wolly Jooly Ho!

This Week's Article:

Nothing: Uncensored

Skippy the Red:

I have absolutely nothing to say. How about I hit something with a stick? How about I hit Froke with a stick?

The Amazing Captain Froke: I wouldn't much appreciate that.

4: I'm cool with that.


The critics are raving about this week's article from the Heavenly Barnacle. Here are just a few examples:

"Truly, the most nothing on the web!" --Washington Post
"More nothing than I could shake a stick at!" --New York Times
"Nothing, nothing, and more nothing!" --TIME Magazine
"Four Stars!" --The 1-Hr-Web-Revue

You've read what all the critics are saying. Now here's the real thing!


The Amazing Captain Froke: That was intellectually stimulating dumb.

The Amazing Captain Froke:

Wow, for nothing, this article is kind of a let down. Even a bit of not nothing. A bit of... something... if you will. And I will.

But I am sure there are those who won't. They will insist on everything, including (but not limited to) anything and even nothing. I suppose in some sense, this makes everyone happy. After all, at least it's something.

Skippy the Red: For once I agree with you. And I haven't touched the bottle in... hours.

...if you can read this, you've scrolled too far...
--Managerial Staff