Yaaayyy!! I'm getting some things up! ^^ The names on this page link to where you can download the skins. I have the same name underneath as I have them in Yahoo! Briefcase so you don't get discouraged. ^_~ I dont know if they're gonna work though, so if they don't, you can email me here  with the subject title "winamp skins" and tell me. Okay please? Good.
Go Back To Rocket Power Heat.
Otto Rocket skin
Reggie Rocket skin
Twister Amp
Squid Amp
Race Across New Zealand Skin
Beach Bandits Skin
Otto with Tony Hawk skin
RP Snowboarding skin
Oh! And one last thing.. please email me for the password, or else you can't get a thing. ^_~;; Heheh...
Haha! Got em up finally! ^_^ Can you tell I hate the equalizers? ^_~;;
Got somethin else for all'a y'all! ^_^ If ya click here you can check out more winamp skins I made! ^_~ (None of these are Rocket Power related.)