A day of such great devastation...
haunting pictures forever burnt into our minds.
The children ask "Why did that building fall down Mommy?"
The anguish a mother feels, trying to explain in terms they will understand.
"Because some bad people wanted it too baby."
I try to look at it from his point of view...
A plane hit a building, the building fell down, people died.
I want him to understand what is happeneing, but should I lay
such a heavy burdon on his small shoulders?
Will he dream like I did as a child, of great terror? Of a third world war?
I decide not to tell him...
Day's have passed by...the TV carries nothing but that story...
He's outside now, playing as he alway's does ...
not a fear or doubt in his mind that he's safe. He play's....
jumping, running, laughing, just being a seven year old...
and then...he looks towards the heavens...with a worried look in his eye's and asks
"Mommy? Will the bad people want to hurt me too?"
In a matter of a half an hour, on a Tuesday morning,
his little life was changed forever.
I can't help but to get angry ,and as I clench my teeth
... ask..."Why?"

Sept. 13, 2001