The Serendipity Gang


Sora (meaning "Chirping Bird") AKA the only girl: She's the leader's younger sister. She's only two years younger than him--18 years old. She's learned their ways, but still dressed in 'girly' clothes. She has a sweet and tender side to her, but only Taj, the 'pet' of the gang has ever truly whitnessed it.

Nariko (meaning "Thunder") AKA the leader: He's the leader of the gang, he makes the calls--but the others get theit imput in just the same. He's the strongest of the whole group and nothing stands in his way. He's usually rather reserved in his own way, but like the rest of the group, he can get wild and crazy when a fight begins or a party. When he's fighting there's only one person who can make him stop--Sora. He's 20 years old.

Taj AKA The shy, sweet, 'pet' of the group: He's the youngest (about 17 or 18) of the group. he came from an absuive family (more so than the rest) and the gang has become his family. He finds protection in them and warmth. Although they rest of the guys are tough and reckless, when Traj is in need everyone's there to help him. He rarely fights, but does it to be one of the gang--even though he doesn't have to prove his worth.

Tsukiyo (meaning "Moonlit Night") AKA the charmer: He's the most handsom one out of the gang. He's about 19 years old. He's just like the rest of the guys until a girl enters the room, then he tries to charm her in hopes of the one-night-stand. (Sora doesn't count cause he'll be beaten to a pulp by Sora's brother :Þ)

Arashi (meaning "Storm") AKA the tough one: He's the reckless one and also the oldest--he's about 21. He has no boundries and willingly beats up anyone who annys him in the least (outside of the gang, that is). It seems that no one can tame him, but like most of the gang, Sora can tame him. She's like their sister and all of them would do anything for her happiness. But still he's reckless. He's very quick to anger or annoy.

Kisha (meaning "Rainfall") AKA the tortishell cat: Kisha was a stray cat that actually found the gang. Although she goes where she pleases and makes appearances at the house from time to time (every night or so). She doesn't often stay around for long and is often a source of comfort and someone to talk to for the members of the gang.


The whole gang come from Serendipity village, but in a more brokedown section. The found each other at young ages and found comfort in different ways in each other.

Sora and Nariko's parents were fugitives and were constantly on the run from the authorities. Nariko took the role of the head of household and took care of his sister. They never locked their door, their friends always showed up in the middle of the night for refuge.

Taj never knew his mother, she left when he was young. His father constantly beat him because Taj was weak and couldn't do many chores because he had little strength. Taj often saught refuge in Kage and Sora's house. because of his treatment, he;s rather skiddish and shy.

Tsukiyo grew up in a large family and was the youngest. He had a lot of sisters and his brothers were all older and had wives. His parents' attention was solely on his sisters, always trying to find suitors for them and leaving Tsukiyo to the work. But Tsukiyo often left to either charm some ladies or hang out with his friends.

Arashi's family was never around and when they were around he wished they weren't. They were selfish and ignored him unless they had an insult for him. He found the gang rather late and int he times that he was alone he took his problems out by damaging the property of others, beating up anyone who got in his way or anything that he could do to blow off steam. But once he found the gang, he was immediately taken in and found refuge from his home.

This gang is known throughout Serendipity for being both the most violant group, and the most promissing and rewarding. Because of them, there have been fewer crimes in the city. They do commit minor crimes from time to time (like bad fights), but because they are fiered, theives and criminals think twice about committing crimeson Serendipity. Thier reputation isn't good with royalty, but they are considered heroes among those whom they've helped.