Group Contributions And Expenses
1. Hector Rivera         10/6 to 11/30/04    $119.95
2. Deborah Dearborn    11/28/04               $25.00
Have on Hand     $22.53
11/04 TPM Rotator Subscription               $2.50             $2.50
11/07/04 2,000 emails From MLMGenie   $40.00           $42.50
11/10/04 30,000 plus emails (SunMails)    $20.00           $62.50
11/11/04 15,000 emails From OppSeekers $25.00          $87.50
11/16/04 7Search Ad                              $25.00         $112.50
11/20/04 OptinBlast Ad                           $19.95         $132.45
11/28/04 StormPay Fee                            $2.47         $134.92

Total Spent So Far                                                  $134.92     
As you know, expenses add up fast! If you spent any money towards this group, please let me know and I will add it here too.


Updated 11/30/04