Events and such dealing with KITH

i apologize if i don't have enough about the other members of KITH, my obsession seems to circle around Dave, LoL.

Up Dates

About the separators..."Skittles, taste the rainbow."

Friday, December 22nd, 2004

Brucio's bio on the SFsketchfest site.

Curtisy of: KutiePieKevin yahoo group

Friday, December 3rd, 2004

Dear Kids In The Hall Fan:

The team at would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Joyous Holiday Season and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

To help you celebrate we have lowered the price for the Season 1 & 2 DVD box sets to $47.99 each, with Free U.S. Standard shipping for a limited time. (Please order by December 8th to ensure that free US standard shipping arrives before Christmas).

Season Two orders will also include the free limited edition Kids In The Hall T-Shirt (in your choice of size -- while supplies last!)

This is the lowest price we've offered for the DVD with free T-shirt offer, and once they're gone they're gone for good!

Wishing You a Very Happy New Year,

The Kids in The Hall
and Broadway Video Enterprises

Wednesday, October 20th, 2004

Well, season Two is out in stores today!

Wednesday, October 20th, 2004

A&E Home Video’s The World at War won best made-for-TV documentary, and The Kids in the Hall: Complete Season One won best 1980s series.

Tuesday, October 19th, 2004


"The bonus web interview from when Dave was on G4TechTV's The Screensavers."

"Bird on a wire told me that Tracy and Bruce McCulloch recently had a baby daghter named Ivy Sue!

Congratulations Bruce and Tracy!"

Wednesday, October 6th, 2004

Experiencing technical difficulties... I am unable to get screen captures for the new page I'll be adding to my site. The link that says "No clicky, yet" is NOT to be clicked... Tempting, eh?

Sure... It's from February of 2001, but what's wrong with posting it?

Livechat with Hal Sparks
There's [in the pasted LC below] a mention of Scott.

Todd724: Hal, do you think this show is the breaking ground for other gay-related shows?

Hal Sparks: I think it's breaking ground for everyone in one essential way, and this was mentioned in Village Voice recently, and I thought it was a good way to express it. This is my first experience playing a sexualized character, a person who is both human and sexual. It's usually either/or. I'm sure it will be. Every step along the way has made it easier for shows to genuinely portray gay relationships. I think personally the ability to do the show comes from Scott Thomson on "Kids in the Hall" because all the kids that watched him and accepted him in straight and gay roles are now older and more accepting, and allow us into their homes.

Yes... Thompson was spelled Thomson, it's not an error on my part.

Tuesday, September 28th, 2004

If you're not registered at and have yet to check out the KITHblog here it is...

"Dear Kids in The Hall Fan:

While the Kids in The Hall cannot run for President of the United States (some silly rules about Canadians not being eligible), Video Store Magazine and Hollywood Reporter are giving awards for the best TV DVD releases of the past year! And we've been nominated!

Our DVD set, Kids in the Hall Complete Season 1 has been chosen out of over 150 submissions as one of the top 3 best TV DVD sets from the '80s!! Thank you for your help in making this honor possible!

Now that the judges have selected the top 3 DVD sets (Kids in the Hall being one of them!), it is up to the fans to select the winner of this prestigious award. Please vote to help ensure that Kids in the Hall Complete Season 1 is number one! All you have to do is click on the link below, scroll down to the "Best 80s Series" section, select Kids in the Hall Complete Season 1 and press "submit." Please feel free to shamelessly vote several times and pass this on to everyone you've ever met. If you live in Florida, please make sure that you vote for the correct show. ;-)

Visit Hive4Media to vote

The voting period ends on Friday, October 2. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, October 19, during the Second Annual TV DVD Conference in Los Angeles.

Thanks again!

The Kids in The Hall
& Broadway Video Enterprises"

Friday, September 24th, 2004

Posted by: Ascertain19 on the KITH2k forum

Starting Friday, Oct. 1st, TNT will be showing 2 episodes each of From the Earth to the Moon.

Friday, October 1st: 9pm-11:30pm EPISODES 1-2
Saturday October 2nd: 5pm-11pm EPISODES 3-7
Sunday October 3rd: 9am-11pm EPISODE 1-12

AOL Tv Listing Search

I urge you to join KutiePieKevin yahoo group!

A lil' Dave-ness from me to you. Click

Tuesday, September 21th, 2004

Thank ya'~Lizzy for posting in the KITH News group:

"Hey All!! I just thought I would let everyone know, that according to this site: dvdtimes the Saddest music will be released in november, so yay for that!


The Saddest Music in the World is quite on the way. view the cover art, features included, release date, cost, etc. [dvdtimes]

Tuesday, September 14th, 2004

Thanks Tavie:
Brittany Frederick went to an August taping of "Celebrity Poker Showdown" and wrote about her trip.
The DAVEness isn't much... Not at all, and it's towards the end of the page so if you don't want to read every single thing that happened on her weekend I'd suggest scrolling down.

Sunday, September 12th, 2004

KITH News group's Tilly posted a beautiful fan art pic of Dave! I asked for Kris if it could be place in her website, and got a yes. But I wanna' get it up here, too. ^_^

*Disclaimer: "Tilly is of the opinion that anvils falling on cartoon people will never not be funny. This does not mean she wishes harm on Dave for his floppity flooing. Tilly loves Dave and does not want him to even stub his toe let alone have heavy objects dropped onto his head."

Also... In past updates I've linked things to pictures in my galleries, and because the pictures all have new URLs I don't know when I will be switching all of the links on this page... But I'll make sure to write it on my hand.

Sunday, September 12th, 2004

Word is at the Live Journal KITH Community that Scott will be on "Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn" on Monday... But there was some confusion about it being on Friday... So we may have all missed it, unless you're reading this now and laughing 'cause I'm the only one who didn't see it. <_<
It looks like there is a clip with Scott , and I've downloaded the program that plays it... But I can't get it to work, see if you have better luck.

Bunch O'new pictures added today, 'Thank ya', Justine!'
I have almost all of my images transfered to photobucket, so I apologize for any broken links or if my site becomes overloaded.

Saturday, September 11th, 2004

Posted on Tavie's site

Dave made an appearance on "Jon Favreau's Dinner for Five" yesterday, and for everyone who missed it [like me] ya' can catch it when they repeats on Mondays at 8pm and Tuesdays at 9pm.


Bravo announced tournament four of "Celebrity Poker Showdown" *cheers*
The player line-ups are posted at The Futon Critic check it out!

Friday, September 10th, 2004

I'm a bit on the confused side. I did make updates since August 9th... Apparently something is wrong, horribly wrong! My apologies.
Here's what I had posted before it all went 'bye bye:'

"Hey Cay, I know I just emailed you to tell people to direct things to Dave's publicist, and I just emailed her and got official word that that's the best way to get mail to him. The address is:

Dave Foley c/o JDS
3151 Cahuenga Blvd. West
Suite 220
Los Angeles, CA 90068

And she'll put it right into his hands for you. Also, be sure to tell people that if they want anything like an autograph, to include a SASE [self addressed stamped envelope]!" - Tavie
NOT a garuntee.

Heh, this thing spread around the entire KITH community like wild fire... It was everywhere within a half an hour of me getting that e-mail. <_<

----------------------------------- sent out a clip from the season two commentaries to those registered.

For my own personal pleasure I asked about finding some guitar tabs for the Kids in the Hall theme song [Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet: "Having an Average Weekend"] at the Live Journal KITH community and they sent me to
Go figure, right? ^_^

In more recent news Intern Academy opened nation wide "in Canada" today. You must run! You must run and see it, NOW!
Review of the movie [Dave content]

"I requested there be a section for KITH fiction. The owner agreed, soooo..."--Trefenwyd KITH2k forum

Monday, August 9th, 2004

More about "Intern Academy" official website.

"I just wanted to post a new topic about the Intern Academy website, and that it is now...........

1. I signed up, free of charge
2. Recieved an e-mail of verification (with a temporary password to log in)
3. Logged in using my temporary password
4. Now I am officially logged inside the "Emergency Room" portion of the website with all the extra goodies!!!!!

Check your SPAM FOLDER for the verification e-mail. JUST IN CASE you don't recieve your verification e-mail within a couple of seconds after regeristing. It happened to me.
It's quite easy to sign up, and it looks like the "Emergency Room" is going to WELL WORTH OUR WAITING! They are still updating the "Emergency Room" portion of the site, BUT at least we can all get a Username and Password and........ see more of Dave Foley as Dr. Whiteside!!" posted by Twin Virgos on the KITH2000forum 8/08/04.

Thursday, August 5th, 2004

"Intern Academy" AKA White Coats has got it's official website up and running! Check out news updates, clips from the movie, trailers and much more!

Crystal gave me some stills for my yet to be gallery, i plan on working on it today! Promise.
"Inter Academy" - world premiere September 1st in Toronto Canada. The movie opens nationwide in canada on September 10th.[fingers crossed that it's released in America.]

"I'm so glad to hear that ya'll liked the new movie trailer to Intern Academy! This is where we, as a comminuty, need to help get the "buzz" going about getting this movie released in the states........
I was told that Dave Thomas is looking at distributors for a US release, but am not sure if one has picked up this movie yet. I know that this is one movie that shouldn't be left to just our friends up north! WE LOVE THE HELL OUT OF YA, CANADA!
Keep checking the site out, as I was told that it is still in progress, but will be much more interactive!!
Have a wonderful day!"
posted by Twin Virgos on the KITH2000forum 7/27/04.

Dave's playing Dr.Denton Whiteside

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004

I've been neglecting my site... sorry.My sister fixed it up today- many thanks Kris! And set a link to her archives... i'm gonna' get the July archives, too for everything i missed while I was "away."
"I'm sure all of you know that Kevin [McDonald] plays the voice of Pleakly [sp] the green, one-eyed alien that always dresses in drag on Disney's 'Lilo & Stitch' the series. Well, this Saturday [August 7th] Disney will be airing the infamous "Fibber" episode, in which the other four 'Kids' guest star, at 4:30pm EST/PST!! [Mark plays the voice of Pleakly's father, Bruce plays his sister, Scott plays his mother, and Dave plays the voice of the minister.]"- Kris

Saturday, June 26th, 2004

Happy Birthday Mark!!

Saturday, June 12th, 2004

Happy Birthday Scott!!

Friday, June 11th, 2004

I ment to put this in a while ago, forgive me... My mind has been away, what with school ending yestarday and all. Enough with the excuses, PRE-ORDER YOUR DVDs! special gift...A FREE T-SHIRT!

Monday, June 7th, 2004
Sorry that I've been neglecting this site!- I have nothing at the moment...keep watching celeb. poker, I think last week was much better. Poor Dave, he looked so uncomfortable- was anyone else thinking "Where's his coffee?" Forget the forums that i provide and check this place out! Kids in the Hall 2000 Forum [admin: Justine]

Friday, May 28th, 2004

Damn, 'Bout Time! It took like a month but i finaly got the pictures on my Uncle's camera developed :-D
My family decided to play a "funny" joke on me and tell me none of the pictures came through! har, har...
My Uncle and my Idol
[ Of course that's Dave, and the funny man beside him would be ma' uncle :-P ]

This pic-- the flash didn't go off, I tweaked it on paint so that it wasn't AS fuzzy...but oh well.

Thursday, May 27th, 2004

Celebirty Poker is being hosted by Dave on Bravo tonight, don't miss it! 9:00pm Justine says that the sales for Kids in the Hall complete season one DVD were "so great that they were able to get started on season two." There is also a link to the cover art! So damn it, CHECK IT OUT! :-D

Monday, May 24th, 2004

This is a commercial for the two best sites on this planet, enjoy!
The Kids in the Hall 2000.
Tavie's online shrine to Dave Foley
Don't forget to check out Markland! Other links and the two above are located on the Links to better sites page.
Oh, and feel free to join the forums, they're active- i jus' haven't found time to start writing in them!
And the galleries are still not hyperlinked, SO SORRY! I'll report upon completion.

Wednesday, May 19th, 2004

NOOOOO!!!! They cancled! Dave's not gonna' be on the Today show! Upon asking Tavie why this was so i was told "No idea. Dave's publicist friend told me it's just one of those things that happens. Scheduling is so last minute for this stuff.
He's looking for something else to do to justify a trip to NYC so hopefully he'll have something else lined up soon. "- I hope so!

Tuesday, May 18th, 2004

Monday, Was looking at Tavie's site and, "Dave is scheduled to be on The Today Show on Thursday, 5/27. The Today Show starts at 7 am on NBC."
"Celebrity Poker Showdown premieres on Bravo that night, with frequent repeats throughout the weekend."
Keep checking back and i'll put up what i can find, or go to the forums, which are new-empty-and open to post whatcha' know!

Thursday, April 29th, 2004

i jus' got a call from my uncle! he said he got Dave's autograph and some pics(followed by me cheering)- which once recived by me will be placed under the section for Foley pics...sometime next week- i hope they develope!- sorry if not everything is hyperlinked...this site is still under construction, after all. My Uncle said he signed some paper because there were video cameras...if they use any of the footage with him in it...:-D Truely i am excited!

Sad to say i tried to tape Late Night With Conan O'Brien...ran out of tape before Mark even came on!!!- pitty me...

Wednsday, April 28, 2004

Mark McKinney will be on Conan tonight! If he's not then check Friday!

Saturday, April 24, 2004

ALERT- Dave Fans!-
Dave will be in NewYork City on Thursday 29th, doing a DvD signing for Kids In The Hall Season one DVD! Get your DVD's signed!
time line- 1:00-2:30 PM
AT-Border's Books, 10 Columbus Circle, Time Warner Building...or so i hear
i hope so cause i already asked my uncle to get one signed for me, i can't be there...that's just too sad...too sad! AH, what if the line gets too long! He must sign fast...before time runs OUT!

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