Darwin's Paid Emails

Darwin's Paid Emails mission is to...

1) connect potential buyers of products and services with sellers. The seller's pay us to send ads of interest to our members and we in turn share that revenue with the membership to view those ads and visit seller's websites. We are an "avenue" for sellers to sell, and buyers to look at offers sellers are making with the intent of making purchases.

2) offer members points and/or cash for completing tasks to the advertiser's satisfaction such as performing searches, signing up for offers to join other sites, clicking banners and viewing advertiser's websites of interest to them.

Above all, the MAIN MISSION of ANY PTR site is to assist the seller/merchant in advertising their products and services to our members that match the interests in the area of products they offer with the expectation sales will occur at some point in time. This isn't meant to say that members are expected to buy something every time an ad is sent - but that they should only be reading the ones that interest them enough that they MIGHT make a purchase. Consider a PTR an Ebay that mails out its advertiser's offers rather than the buyers having to go to the site to shop.

A PTR site is NOT meant to just be used to make money by clicking on ads - advertisers spend their cash andd send their ads through our service with the hope/expectation of obtaining new customers. When that doesn't happen within a "reasonable" amount of time, those sellers move on and that source of revenue is lost. We are not employers and thus income is not generated nor guaranteed if members are not at least occassionally purchasing the goods and services sellers are offering (which leads sellers to return in the future with advertising as well).

If you're not sure what a PTR (or Paid To Read) program is or how it works, please refer to these excellent resources BEFORE you join ANY site :):
Home Salary
The PTR Primer
(Both links open in a new window)
• We're Over 1 Year Old (12/3/03) And Still Growing
Always The Most Updated Cash Crusader Script
• Database Backup Done 2x Daily (
Click here to see when last backup was performed)
• International English Speaking Members are Welcome! (You MUST be able to read and write English!)
• FREE Membership
• Get Paid To Do What You Probably Already Do Online: Shop!
• $5 Payout For Free Members (Lower For Upgraded Members) - Automatically Paid At The End Of The Month. I'm anticipating in January/February 2005 Payouts Will Begin Being Done Each Week To Members With $5 Or More In Their Accounts.
• Payouts By PayPal, IntGold, e-Gold, CacheCard, iKobo, Postal Money Order (US & Canada Only) & Electronic Money Order (EMO).
• Darwin's Paid Emails Is Now A SEARCH FREE ZONE!. As Of 11/9/04, I'll send out searches ONLY If They're Paid For In Cash, Or It's Your Upgraded Member's Ad. Result: You Won't Be Overwhelmed By Search Ads Here!
• Earn More From 3 Levels Of Referrals Under You:
   **Level 1 - 25%
   **Level 2 - 15%
   **Level 3 - 10%
• Sell Back Your Unwanted Points For Cash! (Current rate: 1 Point = $0.000125)
• All New Members Receive A ONE TIME Complimentary 1-Point Ad to 100.
                                 Darwin's Paid Emails