A Review of Functions


General Definition:  A real-valued function f defined on a set DA of real numbers is a rule that assigns to each x in D exactly one real number, denoted f(x).


Mapping Definition:  A function is a relation that is one to one or many to one but never one to many.


Set Definition:  A function is a set of ordered pairs such that no two or more ordered pairs have the same first element.


Domain:  The set D of elements for which f(x) is defined. 

Range:  The set R of elements for which D maps to.


Domain and Range for:                       





A function maps from set A into set B.  If R is all of B then the function is onto.  A function that is one to one and onto is said to be a one to one correspondence.


A function must be a one to one in order to have an inverse function!


Example of a one to one correspondence and its inverse:     


Example of a function that is not a one to one correspondence for the set of real numbers: 


Example of a relation that is not a function: