Hong Kong Newspaper
Apple Daily
Oriental Daily
Sing Tao Daily
Hong Kong Radio
CRHK (881 & 903)
Metro Radio 997
MP3 Sites
Box Up Music
(<--download this program and search your        favor english mp3)
gi's Friends' HomePage
Keiko (Dull Dull)'s HomePage
Louis's HomePage
Gary's HomePage
Jason's HomePage
Kingston's HomePage
Grace's Homepage (NEW!!! and have some "nice" STTSS (gi's high school) pic there!)
Guitar Sites
www.guitar.com (English site)
www.guitaryou.com (Chinese site)
Hong Kong guitar web
~ it has many guitar "po" there, and provides many links to other HK guitar sites. There are a lot info about music in this site.
~ it provides "self-learning guitar skills" and many guitar "po" of Chinese songs.
Beyond fans's homepage
~ chum's homepage, he is a big fans of Beyond. There many Beyond's guitar "po" in his homepage.