This site contains both adult and children's level content. What this means is:
1) It contains big words without the definitions, and an occasional "bad" word.
2) Attribution to, and/or linkage of quoted writers is provided when possible and practical.
3) The content on this site is aimed at college grads, so if you're younger, you may or may not "get it."
4) Gaming tips and downloads are offered at the visitors' own risk. (As far as I know, all content seems accurate and safe.)
   This is a personal website. That means that the opinions, prejudices, advice & half-baked ideas expressed herein are mine alone. I'm not proud of them, but I'm not ashamed of them either.
   This site isn't a microscope; it's a shotgun. In other words, instead of creating an exquisite jewel with nearly everything about some tiny subject, I've chosen to design as simply and clearly as possible, and pack my 15mg of free webspace with as many of my interests as possible. Each link on the homepage is a distinct url, with text, images & links.
   Everything on this site is loosely connected with everything else. Unusual things are represented here, but only if they have a certain visual appeal to me personally.  The two outsider artists showcased here (
Darger & Rizzoli) were selected on that basis: unique vision + beautiful realization. The Hensel Twins are wonders of Nature, not "freaks of Nature," because of their perfect physical proportions & facial prettiness.
   I enjoy movies & books with universal themes about ethics &  psychology & how they influence  history the many worlds of children....but I don't want to open every door for you. That would take away all the fun!

As for Me.....

    I'm not a spiritual person or a family-and-friends person, and I'm certainly not an intellectual. I'm an aesthetically-oriented, sensory person. Maybe you know that type. (Maybe you
are that type.)
    I enjoy saving free things instead of buying expensive, bulky stuff that clutters up the house. Some of my collections are represented here. ("Terror," the Hensel Twins, synchronicity) I've been collecting clippings on the relationship between appearance & psychology" since 1972. I also save comic strips on the topic of "Cartoonists vs. Theology" (No, not cute church-kids or prayer cartoons, but religious themes as seen through the cartoonists' eyes.)
    I don't know who you are, or anything about you, but let me suggest that
you start a comics scrapbook, and here are some  suggestions. Collect:

1) Adjacent comics coincidentally dealing with the same theme or image For example: coffee-addiction, smashed computers or swatting mosquitos. (Some of the ones I've recently seen!)
2) Comic characters acknowledging that they are in comics. (Look up "Overboard" for a lot of this.)
3) Nudity in the comics. It slips in from time to time...even in the family newspaper.
4) "Wallpaper" gags.
5) (If you have a common name) Comic strips  with your or your relatives' names in them.

(Hey. You're already
paying for that paper. Why not make up a big ol' scrapbook to show your friends?)

                                                                                                                                         -- HK