Chat Host Power
Welcome to the hottest Hostess community! My name is Helen. I've been a chat Host for over 3 years. After spending many hours of sitting lonesome in front of my computer while nobody comes to visit me (of course there are better times), I decided to establish this organization with a couple of my associates who are also in the business.We promise to check for you and investigate all the web sites that give services to webcam Hosts. We'll do it in a way that was never done before, with an objective point of view. All of us Hostesses have the power in our hands! We are the heart and soul of the webcam sites - and the best ones earn millions per month on our backs! Our conditions are not good all the time, not all of the companies are fair, not all of them pay, and the diffrences between the systems are enormous. We are going to preform several tests, reviews, and investigations and we will publish the results here, along with a lot of other useful tips. If you are a chat host or thinking of becoming one you must join this group! Links and advertisements ARE FORBIDDEN! Anyone who advertises in the group will be deleted immediately!!! We believe that an organization such as this one can extremely increase its members' profits, so come join us! .
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