Other Missing People
John Rowan
John was last seen in his home at 3am in Jacksonville, FL on February 23, 2001.  His last cell phone call was made at 6:30am  John is 5'9" and weighs 220lbs.
Police found his green 1999 Ford Expedition on March 23, 2001. backed into a space at an office parking lot, 1.8 miles north of the Orlando Airport, but it had been wiped clean.
Do you have any information about John's disappearance???
Please call:
Or Email:
John's family need him home!  He has a wife, Caroline and 2 children who need him desperately.  Please contact us by the numbers listed if you have any info on John's whereabouts.  Thank you.
Tot Tran Harriman
Tot Harriman was planning to visit her family in the Houston area.  She decided her best areas fell between League City, and Corpus Christi.  She was planning to travel down the old Route 35 which runs along the Gulf Coast.  She planned her trip and decided that July 12, 2001 would be the perfect day to leave.  At 5am on July 12, she went into her oldest son's room and kissed him goodbye, then got into her car and departed.  It was the last time that anyone has ever seen her.  At 8:30am a friend attempted to call her cell phone.  It rang four times and then he got her voicemail, which meant the phone was on.  He again called at approximately 10:30am and the phone rang directly into the voicemail which meant that the phone had been turned off.  Tot was driving a 1995 Lincoln Continental, which is painted in the Rose quartz paint.  Its sordof a metallic Rose color.  The interior of the car is white leather.  Her car also had a chrome  tailpipe.  On the rear bumper there is a small white sticker that has the letters PJC on it.  Her license plates are from Florida and read  TOTSY
Do you have information on Tot's Disappearance????
Please call:
Or the League City PD @
Or email scart964@hotmail.com