eeyorenose.gif (8528 octets)
MONEY RAISED SO FAR: $30 USD (around $39 CdN)


October 31st, 2003
Happy Halloween ! Today, I just received my first donation in almost two months. Angela, from, has just given me $20 USD. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! This donation is about one week worth of food for my fiancé and I, if we are careful. Please visit Angela and make a donation. Her artwork is beautiful, and her positive attitude toward life is great. She really deserves your help.

September 19th, 2003
On this page, I will say thank you to everyone who made a donation, no matter how much it is. Please e-mail me if you want your name posted on this page or if, on the contrary, you would prefer to remain anonymous. In that case, I will just post the amount of money. On this page, I will also keep miscellaneous information, like some news about myself and my health, and also how much money I have raised.

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