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...in Romania
Gabriela posting advertisements for our free birth classes, Bucharest
Health Education
"God cares for people through people"
After the fall of the Ceausescu regime, Romania groped rapidly in the darkness of economic deprivation. Because of this, the people of Romania have turned their focus away from having children and raising a family in the pursuit of financial stability. It's no surprise that right now, the birth rate in Romania has decreased drastically. Many of the "accident babies" are abandoned in the maternity hospitals right after their birth. Every day, an average of 4 children are abandoned by their natural parents because of the lack of financial support.
Romania has the highest abortion rate in Europe, with about 75% of all pregnancies ending in abortion - more than one million abortions are performed annually. From 1979–1989, Romania’s maternal mortality rate was 10 times higher than any other European country. Most of these deaths were abortion related.
Even after contraception was legalized in 1991, Romanian women, suspicious and ill-informed about alternative methods, continued to use abortion as a family planning method. By 1993, Romania reported the world’s highest rate of legal abortions—almost 200 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44—a rate seven times higher than that of the United States.
But for the precious few that do determine to have children, there's more than financial problems that's waiting for them: ingnorance and lack of sufficient information are another two giants in the land! Vital information for pregnant women is practically nonexistent. Maternity hospitals in Romania are also very poor, inadequate and unsanitary. Old, ruined and unconfortable matressess, stained sheets roaches and rooms for 10 patients are the common picture you get when you step into such premises. The reality of these places is sad and depressing.

That's why, seeing the ever present need, our volunteers have laid the foundation of a new project: "The Miracle of Life". The main purpose of this project is the educational one. We succeeded to put together 2 complete guides providing all the information and tips an expectant mother should have about pregnancy and birth, as well as inspiring thoughts and Bible verses to claim during labor. The brochures will be distributed for free in hospitals and clinics.
Helping Hands Missions
- a local project of "The Family"