Help Jamie's (SRS)
My name is Jamie and I am asking for help from anyone who is willing to help. I am a trans gendered man. For those who do not understand what that means, I am a man who is living as a woman. I have been living this way, and struggling to be what I should have been from birth. I Have been struggling with this all my life.

My family has turned their backs on me. They are not willing to except the changes I am going through. They are against the whole thing, so they will not help me in any way. I am not used to asking for help so please forgive me. I hope someone out there has the heart to help me.

If you are wondering what (srs) stands for, let me tell you. It means Sexual Reasignment surgery. I want to make my outside match my inside. I feel that If I can have this surgery I will truly find myself. Please help anyway you can. If you want to know more about this procedure, please view the link to Marci Bowers. She is a doctor who does this surgery regularly and has had it done to herself.

I wish I did not have to ask for help, but things are rough right now. I am barely making ends meet, yet alone able to afford a surgery that is desperately needed. If I can earn enough for my surgery I plan to start a foundation to help other people like myself, who are strapped for finances, to get their surgeries covered. I hope to help others like me to feel whole outside as well as in. Thank you for visiting If you can help please do.

I realy appreciate anything you can do to help. Every little bit helps I hope to be ready for surgery In august or september. Thanks for visiting my site Please Help if you can. If you are willing to help please Email me with the link on on the left.
Once again thank you for everything.

Thank you and God bless
Jamie Gray
Won't you be my angel and help me achieve that which is beyond my reach?
Jamies little buisness
Tara foundation
Marci Bowers
If you wish to donate please use this email.
Name: Jamie Gray
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